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  • Yes, of course! No problem! Please contact us directly at if you need more information.

  • data_handler

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    A data-abort exception is a response by a memory system to an invalid data access. Try google to get more basic information how an ARM cpu works. There are a lot of good web pages about the ARM cpu. I guess that there is going something wrong with your TCP/IP stack, maybe some buffers overflow.

  • Hello Fux, could you please send us an email to (please attach my name in the subject) and include your registration number?. Then I can give you direct support. Regards, Til

  • Quote: “we use the emwin fontconverter (V3.10d) as a standalone tool to convert fonts :-). ” I am not sure about how you use the emWin fontconverter. Do you use emWin itself to display your text on the lcd? In the case you use emWin why do you need this information? Could you please give some more details?

  • Error code 124

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello Zjeriet, my fault, I looked into an older version of OS_Error.c, the Power management module is relative new, so it is not added by IAR but is originally from us. Anyway it seems that it is not well documented in the embOS manuals, so please let me talk to my colleague first because he made this new module. You can also write me an email to to speed up things. Regards, Til

  • Error code 124

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello Zjeriet, do you mean an embOS error code? The embOS error code 124 does not exists. Please have a look in the C Module OS_Error.c, there you find all embOS error codes. Regards, Til

  • Hello the following Link shows some more details how emWin handles fonts: With emWin it is possible to generate font files which includes only the characters which you need in your application, this helps you to save memory space (I do not think you will need all 10,000 characters in your application). Regards, Til

  • There is no real installation, you cannot compare a embedded operationg system like embOS with Windows or Linux. In most embedded systems you do not work with a extra data storage like hard disk drive but the software will be flashed into the cpu internal flash. With a RTOS like embOS the application will be linked together with the operating system into one single file, which will be loaded into the flash.

  • Hello, you can use a free version of IAR Embedded Workbench to have no additional costs We have a special offer for students, J-Link ARM for non commercial use for 98 EUR. You can also use embOS ARM GNU, the Yagarto Tools are free of cost Unfortunately we have no LPC-2478 BSP in embOS ARM GNU, but it should be no big deal to take it from embOS ARM IAR. Regards, Til

  • Hello, which eval board do you use? Which workbench do you use? Normally you would use a emulator like J-Link to download the software in the eval board. Regards, Til

  • Yes, you can, but please be aware that our drivers are highly optimized and will be much more faster than your own driver. A emWin driver costs around 1000 euro, so it is a good choice to buy one and not to try to develop your own driver.

  • Hello, you can ignore this error message. Please deactivate the IAR stack check plugin, Menu -> Project -> Options -> Debugger -> Plugins - Stack. The IAR stack check plugin works not correctly with embOS, the stack check plugin only checks the CSTACK und IRQSTACK but embOS tasks running on their own stack. The CStack size will not cause your problem, please ensure whether your task stacks are big enough. You can also try to step with single steps after OS_Error() to see where the issue occurred…

  • Hello lpc2148guy, we also use WinXp pro SP3, so there is no know issue with this windows version and J-Link drivers. The J-Link led blinks when the usb driver is not correctly installed. So please try to install the usb drivers again. If you have installed the J-Link software package the usb driver is already copied to your windows directory. Does Windows ask you for usb drivers when you connect the J-Link? Is the J-Link listed in the System Properties | Device Manager? Regards, Til

  • Embos for PIC MCU

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello Ramesh, we have embOS already ported to Microchip dsPIC30 cpu, but until now only for MPLAB IDE. We can make a port to other workbenches like HI-TECH, too . Regards, Til

  • Embos for PIC MCU

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello Ramesh, until now we have no embOS for PIC18 and Hitech compiler, but we can make a port to this cpu/compiler for you if you buy an embOS source code version. We did not certified embOS for SSIL-2, but I know that other customers did some certifications with embOS. We would support you if you want to certificate embOS and your application (it makes often only sense to certificate the OS combined with your application) . Regards, Til

  • New to EMBOS

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello Ramesh, this sounds that you are not familiar with technical terms like workbench, compiler or real time operation system. 1) If you have embOS for Fujitsu micro controller and Softune workbench you can compile and link embOS with Softune. 2) This question makes no sense, Windows XP is an operating system for your PC and embOS is a real time operating system for micro controller. I guess you want to ask if you can develop your application under Windows XP, this should be no problem. Please…

  • Hello Bruce, what are you exactly looking for? You can download our product documentations from our website at Regards, Til

  • Dear Forum users, to help other forum members to understand your issue you should include the following information in you post: 1. Which embOS do you use? This should include CPU, compiler and version. For example: embOS for ARM version 3.60d with IAR workbench 5.11 (embOS_ARM_IARV5 V360d). 2. Which CPU and eval board do you use? For example: AVR32AP (AP7000) CPU with Atmel NGW100 eval board. 3. Which start project do you use? Did you download e.g. a trial package from the Segger website? Best …

  • Hello Tucepi, You should try to find out which function causes the OS_Error. The first way is to look at the call stack and the second one is to set with your debugger the variable OS_Status to 0 and step through your code. This will ends the while loop in OS_Error() and you will step into the function which has called OS_Error(). Regards, Til

  • Hello Tucepi, There are some functions which are only allowed to be called from within an interrupt function. These functions are: OS_OnTx() OS_TICK_Handle() OS_TICK_HandleEx() Please note that OS_HandleTick is just a define for OS_TICK_Handle, OS_HandleTick is obsolet. So please check if you call one of this functions from outside an interrupt routine. Do you have this problem already with the embOS start project? Regards, Til