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  • Hello Niklas, I took a closer look to the Registers of the K80 Board. It looks like the debugger initialized the GPIO-pins incorrect. It initializes the Pins PTA6 – PTA9 as trace Pins, but on this board PTA12 – PTA16 is used for trace. I didn’t found a way to configure the pins in ozone, so I tried to configure it in my program. Sadly that didn’t work. Any Idea how to configure the pins? Regards Markus

  • Hello Niklas, Looks like, but my controller-IC is soldered and not in a socket:…ystem-module:TWR-K80F150M Regards Markus

  • Hello Niklas, the silicon on the K60-Board is really rather old. But, I could organize a TWR-K80 Board and tried the trace. On this board it is not working at all, regardless if the clock is set or not. “Normal” debugging is working. PK80 FN256VDC15 0N03P CTVDCDA Also a buggy silicon or Board? Regards Markus

  • Hello, Thanks for the fast Reply. The Label of the MCU is: PK60N512VMD100 0M33Z CTDZM1047B But this is not the final Hardware we want to use. I just wanted to get the trace running and see how it works. The final hardware will be a K66-based, but our hardware-development is still not finished. That’s why I’ve started with this board. Regards Markus

  • Hello Segger Team, I would like to trace my program. For this I’m using Ozone with a j-Trace Debugger (SW Version 610b) and a TWR-K60 Eval Board. While connecting to the Board I get a License Missing Error Message: “The connected J-Link does not have a valid license for the use of Ozone – The J-Link Debugger. J-Link PLUS, UTRA+ and PRO models come with a build in license for Ozone – The J-Link Debugger. …” Is the License not included in a j-Trace? You write on the Ozone-Product Page: “Ozone can …