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  • Thanks. Version 2.30 solves the problem.

  • Hello, Thank you, new version 2.3 is much better and is running now on my XMC device. Great! I have another problem. Recording halts after about 5sec with message "Invalid packet received, Recording stopped". Attached is screenshot with last actions recorded. Do you have any suggestions? I am running SWO interface at maximum speed 50MHz and I am using ULTRA+ probe. rum

  • Of course file is included. When Systemview attaches, application will crash. I have increased stack for all tasks, now there is plenty of space >200byte as suggested. I have stack overflow monitor in place and I think it is not the stack. I cannot detect reason why application resets. There is no useful info from callstack. I find application sitting at reset vector. I have also applied patch to freeRTOS. What else can I check?

  • Hello, I have configured my application with freertos (without patch) to use Systemview. I start recording, target is reset after while I stop recording. But there is nothing recorded. I don't get any information about tasks. In my main I call "SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf()" Can you help? Attached is what I get. rum

  • Hello, In systemview documentation is recommended to include INCLUDE_pxTaskGetStackStart in FreeRTOSconfig.h. This will cause inclusion "pStack = pxTaskGetStackStart(pxTaskStatusArray[x].xHandle);" in file SEGGER_SYSVIEW_FreeRTOS.c, such function is defined as extern. However such function is not available in FreeRTOS source files. How to correctly initialize start of stack in such a case? What do you recommend? I am using 8.2.3 version of stack. rum

  • Hello, If I leave automatic detection ON, buffer is not found. If I specify my RAM range (on xmc4500) as 0x1fffc000-0x2001000 again buffer is not found. Only if I give exact address (my case 0x20004e0 buffer is detected. Is there any reason why buffer is not detected? What I am doing wrong? For JlinkRTTwiever I have specified range in script file as SetRTTSearchRanges(0x1FFFC000,0x14000) and included scriptfile through Jlink control panel and it is working fine. Can systemview use same script fi…

  • Hello, I am starting to use SystemView in project with FREERTOS which includes QUEUESETS. There is a compilation error in "prvNotifyQueueSetContainer" because it uses macro traceQUEUE_SEND overwrittern by function which requires arguments pvItemToQueue and xTicksToWait. These two variables are not available in prvNotifyQueueSetContainer. Do you have any suggestions? (I am not using PATCH yet) rum

  • My question regards internal flash sector configuration. In previous versions of jlink software this processor had 10 sectors, 0-7 with the length 16kb, 8-128kb, 9-256kb. Sectors 0-7 are logical sectors. In my application first logical sector is used for code and rest for storing some application data. This was advantageous since during software download data sectors were not erased. Now, in last 2-3 recent versions of jlink software, I noticed that sectors become only 4, 0-64kb, 1-64kb, 2-128kb…