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  • Hey Fabian, will do asap with photo & details, but i'm on something else this week and/or few days.

  • Thanks Alex, On breakpoints Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “ Again: It has *nothing*(!!!!) to do with flash breakpoints. ” OK, I started that from : Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “ One reason could be, if you have any flash break points enabled. ” .. and developed "theory". Revoked now, thanks for your explanation.

  • Fabian, Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “In the beginning you are writing about an issue with the J-Link EDU ” Yea sorry for confusion : it is the J-Link EDU MINI that I _think_ /believe I have issue with, not J-Link EDU . ( The latter I used to re-test and , wrote that I don't observe problems with). Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “1) The serial number of the J-Link you have issues with (as already requested before). Feel free to send it to me via PM. ” I PM'ed you asking if you still want my serials …

  • Quote from eTLA: “..... initializes QSPI and SDRAM .... So I'm wondering, how to set up Seggers tools (preferably Ozone) to initialize the external SDRAM, write the program to the SDRAM and execute it with full debugging access? .... ” In principle (dunno you specific chip/mcu) it's just that - pre-init your SDRAM. Way I did it to debug boot is to essentially copy the SDRAM (and what else needed) registers setup as you have your bootloader to JLink init script sequence /steps before writing/ fla…

  • Hi Fabian, Thanks for your time to describe how the internals of the JLink soft/dll work. Just want to clarify your last post. Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “ Since loadfile is always flushed directly, this leads to the described behavior. ” Way I read it (or understand), loadfile triggers "direct" flush, with no-cashing or buffering before write to target. Is this how you meant it? Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “... w4 0x01000000, xxx w4 0x01000004, xxx w4 0x01000008, xxx These writes are cashed by…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “.... From your description it is highly likely that your EDU was damaged from the USB side. This could have multiple reasons (e.g. resistors burned, faulty USB power supply). ..... ” Hello Fabian, Issue does not appear with my JTrace, or, the non-mini EDU. I would then like to return my EDU for replacement (or refund). [I understand that it's in-expensive, but, as it was like this from new I don't like to purchase broken hardware] Please provide steps how I can retur…

  • Quote from jeremy.billheimer: “ Relevant error is: Received symbol: pxCurrentTCB (0x00000000) ERROR: Mandatory symbol pxCurrentTCB not found. pxCurrentTCB is defined and I can set a watch on it. ” You prob need to patch a little your FreeRTOS. Depending on your compiler (GCC?) Oh btw, which FreeRTOS TAD you using / which IDE? Or you just using Segger's FreeRTOS plugin for GDBServer ?

  • Hi, So you cannot / do not want to just pass this on command line to the JLinkGDBServer ? That's how those specific options are usually set - on startup of that prog, from command line.

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “One reason could be, if you have any flash break points enabled. ” Just "enabled" (e.g. flash breakpoints = 1) or if set any? Does it mean that, on any reset, even if I don't change the program, it re-flashes? What about when I just disconnect the monitor (JLink), it would have to re-flash to remove all breakpoints?

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “.. We always get stuck in the boot loader at address 0x000029B8..... Best regards, Fabian Federschmidt ” Hi Fabian. I now got your case, and I have the steps for you to replicate the issue. Please start by examining the thread I created here -…p-binary-for-TI-CC3220SF/ Change the how-to step 1 to use jtag (and check your board is set for 4-wire/jtag debug) Load & run the binary as per how-to. The app /binary should run normally under Se…

  • I saw that Segger support didn't know how to to load my provided binary/app built for TI CC3220SF MCU, so I thought I 'll write the steps for how to do it. Assume you have a CC3220SF with a blank-app image Development image (refer to the chip user manual) : i.e. you (or whoever) created the system image containing no app to be started by the application core; or lets say both the internal flash copy of and the external flash app image file (pre-programmed by manufacturing) got corrupted and boot…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “ We always get stuck in the boot loader at address 0x000029B8. ” Can I ask you, how did you manage to get the bootloader/ROM code stuck at that address? I tried many things, changing jumper settings, etc.. I seems cannot get it purposefully stuck at that address, and the only time I had it myself, I cannot replicate it now. Could you share your exact board config - jumper settings / positions (not just SOP ones) , power supply options, etc. By observation, system beh…

  • Note: TI forum support confirmed the reported issue as per thread: thus they 've confirmed the issue independently. But I don't think they can do anything about it : as this is Segger specific.

  • Hello Fabian, Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “We were using the TI CC3220 LaunchPad ( ” No, technically it is CC3220SF, not CC3220. I believe difference is external serial flash - please double check. Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Are you using the same board? Could you sent us an application, the issue you mentioned here is reproducible with on the TI CC3220 LaunchPad? ” I do not have non SF, only SF board . And I'm not even sure there is just CC3220. The applicati…

  • Quote from awneil: “Quote from simone: “does not connect ” note that Segger have a Wiki page on resolving connection issues: ” He did write that, connects initially & programs. Could you re-check his post?

  • I see that doing a 'r' / reset command in J-Link, causes a flash write traces, and , I do not understand why. Most importantly I guess to know if it's actually erasing/writing anything just because I wanted reset .. and why. I load/flash image just before reset, and don't want it to be erased. Source Code (12 lines)Sort of, did not expect reset to trigger re-flashing.

  • Quote from simone: “I have a problem with J-Link SWD isolator too, when using production programming but for STM32 devices. The first time I program a board it is programmed succesfully, then the second fails. So what I see is alternating exactly one succeed and one failure. v01d: is it the same issue? I got in touch with support, but they were not abe to replicate this issue ” Hello Simone, Issue is likely different : mine cannot connect at all, 0 / zero success on any attempt.

  • Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “... Not sure what board you use but is the board designed to also allow drawing current on the VTref pin? (pin 1) This is needed as the SWD isolator uses VTref to adjust its target buffers for the correct HIGH levels but also uses this pin to supply power to these buffers. Maybe that's the problem here: The SWD Isolator cannot draw current from the target board to power its own target side. ” Hey Alex, Could you help me out to check on it? The board is CC3220SF launcha…

  • Problem is I cannot connect to target when J-Link SWD Isolator is in between. I wanted to use the isolator to connect to the target TI CC32220SF board, in SWD mode. The SWD mode without isolator works. Why doesn't this work with the SWD isolator ... ? (Note: I do set "power on" to power the isolator itself first. in case you ask) Connection is: J-Link Edu <--> J-Link SWD Isolator <--> J-Link Cortex-M Adapter <--> Target The Segger products in this setup:…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “.... This will then allow multiple connections via IP (if all come from the same host PC) .... ” Nice to know Alex, thanks for update.