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  • Hello Alessio, Thank you for your inquiry. The RT1060-EVK unfortunately is no trace capable board (with proper trace header). So while you can certainly wire everything up with flying wires we do not recommend to run such setup in development as this is simply asking for trouble with signal integrity issues. We recommend to use such setups for just a proof of concept but do not recommend to exceed 10 MHz on the trace clock as signal quality with flying wires on higher speeds degrades drastically…

  • Hello, yes you are correct. The ST package linker script unfortunately has not been updated yet. In the linker script you should find the following line: C Source Code (1 line) replace it with: C Source Code (1 line) Then the tls offset should be calculated correctly. Can you confirm. This will be fixed in the next package update and the wiki article will additionally explain in future what prerequisites are needed for a working tls setup. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The error messages are expected. You are turning of our standard library but are using the SEGGER Linker and our startup code with linker symbols which are filled by our standard library. If RTT may be referenced from SES for your case, why not the standard library as well? All Embedded Studio projects that are created via the project wizard are created portable, so you can simply zip up the project folder and share it with any system that has the same version …

  • Hello, We can provide you with the JLinkScript source via mail so you can merge the two scripts together. I think that would be easiest. Could you open a support request as explained in my signature via the web form. Simply reference this forum thread and that you would like to get the trace pex source for the nRF52. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Quote from zamniah: “Do I understand correctly though that adding this PEX file to other nrf52840 projects where I want ETM trace to work will also initialize ETM trace pins? As far as I could test it on some examples, I guess the answer is yes, but just checking. ” Yes. The JLinkScripts/pex files contain the board specific trace clock and pin init steps. So as long as you use the same pins on your own board as the pictured eval board the scripts can be reused. Quote from zamniah: “BTW th…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. You seem to confuse some things here. Embedded Studio is not needed for tracing whatsoever. In the example project it is simply used to generate an example application as it is our IDE. For tracing we recommend to use Ozone as it works IDE/Toolchain independent and also supports streaming trace. So no matter what generates your code you can always use Ozone for debugging and tracing. No GDB required. Also we do not recommend GDB debuggers for tracing as most of…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The reported issue is related to the rand() function using so called thread local storage. In your older project most likely no tls handler is implemented and thus function __aeabi_read_tp will return an incorrect pointer to the tls variables. For more information about tls in Embedded Studio see here: To fix this all you need to do is to use the latest STM32F4xx package from the ES package manager and create a new project w…

  • Hi, Thank you for your inquiry. There were some changes in the major releases on how the I/O libraries are linked into your projects. So if you are porting an old project to a newer ES version you have to make sure that the correct I/O library is selected. For more information see here: Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. What error messages are you getting? Which version of Embedded Studio are you using? We tested with the zephyr\samples\basic\blinky project for the nrf9160dk_nrf9160 and hifive1_revb boards. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The emRun manual refers to the standalone project emRun and the manual is meant for implementers of the standalone lib. Embedded Studio is one of the implementers so it is possible that certain hooks and APIs are named or used differently than what the emRun manual documents. If you are looking to replace the heap routines in Embedded Studio see here for documentation: To answer your other questions. 1: No. J…

  • Hello, This is a new question that is unrelated to the posts topic. Please open a new thread for a new question. This thread will be closed now. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Adam, Thank you for your inquiry. You can use the F9 button on your keyboard as documented in the user manual. Does that work for you? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Tuan, Thank you for your inquiry. Could you provide your S/N of the J-Trace for reference? Regarding 1: You don't. Why would you need to do that? Is something not working? 2: If available with timestamps. Which target device are you tracing exactly? Quote from tuandt2: “I can export log of execution time for functions A, B, C. But how can I create a log with call graph in jlinkscrip? like below ” JLinkScript would be the wrong place as the high level analysis is done in Ozone. What is your…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Quote from CheMax: “again, without an RTOS I can't use the mutex from the standard library? ” That is correct. Same with other OS specific library functions. The standard library only defines what certain constructs should do when called. But how they operate is implementation defined by the RTOS that is being used. You can of course write your own multi tasking system, but then you also have to supply your setup specific mutex implementation. Best regards, Nin…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. A general documentation how packages can be created can be found here: However, we also have tooling ready that can simply this further, but that is only available on request. If you are interested feel to open an inquiry in our official support channel as described in my signature for the Embedded Studio support group. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. i) The code is commented very detailed. It should already explain what it does. As you can see from the comments in invokes the linker generated init table for your system. This contains the heap init, constructor init of global objects e.g. classes, and a segment init. If you are unaware of what an ARM CPU or any system does on startup we recommend to check Arm documentation and general literature about computer systems which should explain this in more detail…

  • Hello, we received this inquiry via our support system in parallel. Here is the answer we provided via mail so if someone stumbles across this inquiry they can read the answer as well: Embedded Studio itself does not have extensive support for multi-core debugging. It is user responsibility to set up the target system to a working state, such as before the debug session is started or in a J-Link script file. The basic setup would be to load the code for all cores, e.g. program the memory with J-…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The reported behaviour is reproducible. Indeed only some preprocessor options are passed to the analyzer. You can see the CL call in the output window if you enable "Echo Build Command Lines". I will check with the team if this is intended behaviour. As a workaround you can set a custom analyzer CL in project options via Code > Code Analyzer > Analyze Command EDIT: It is not intended behaviour and will be fixed with the next ES release. To get notified automati…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. FreeRTOS will create some tasks on its own. So you simply need to increase the value of SYSVIEW_FREERTOS_MAX_NOF_TASKS until all task names can be resolved. Just make sure to do a rebuild after changing the value and redownloading the new application. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Your analysis is correct. That is why we ship the file with the .S ending, so the file runs first through a preprocessor so it is compatible to different assembler syntaxes from different tool chains. Case closed. Best regards, Nino