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  • emwin touchscreen

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Attached is an example how you can pass touch input to emWin. The touch controller has to be initialized on your own. Also you have to manage how the touch data is transferred from the TC. You can initialize the touch screen right after GUI_Init() or inside the LCDConf.c when it comes to the LCD controller initialization. Once the touch data gets send to emWin by GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx() or GUI_PID_StoreState() there is nothing else to do to make emWin respond to touch. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, the very first thing which is called in GUI_Init() is a macro which is defined as GUI_X_Log(). GUI_X_Log() is typically implemented in the file GUI_X.c and user defined. Do you call some sort of printf() (or anything else to get some debug output) within GUI_X_Log()? This might lock the application. Next in GUI_Init() is a function pointer which can be set to call some user code before emWin starts its initialization. If this pointer is not set, nothing gets called. Right after that a call t…

  • Hi, The example Florian has posted uses the Windows FS API. I suggest to use your own FS API to write to an SD card. Attached is an example which uses either the Windows API or our own file system emFile. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, GUI_Init() calls three functions accessible by the user. First is GUI_X_Config() in this function a memory block gets assigned to emWin. Second is LCD_X_Config(), in this function the emWin driver gets set up. LCD_X_DisplayDriver(), typically the LCD conttroller gets initialized here. You can check if you get into these functions, if don't get into LCD_X_DisplayDriver() but you where in LCD_X_Config(), there must be something wrong in between. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, As stated in the manual the 9th parameter ("Para") is used for x- and y-size of the different items. The upper 16 bits are describing the y-size and the lower 16 bits describing the x-size. Just search for "ICONVIEW_CreateIndirect" in the emWin user manual and you will find it. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, The files look good so far. Unfortunately, I don't have access to Cypress Semiconductors evalboard. so I can't reproduce it. Typically emWin uses about 60-80 KB of ROM, depending on the features used. Are you sure that this is not releated to the images? Regards, Sven

  • Hi, You can use a timer which gets started on button click. On the WM_TIMER message simply check if the button is still pressed. If it is restart the timer, maybe with a lower period, and increment a value. Below is a short example. The variable "TimerInc" is used to avoid an additional increment on release when the timer was used to increment the variable. C Source Code (91 lines) Regards, Sven

  • Repeated screen.

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Attached is a very basic example on how to change from one window to another. There is a function, _ButtonState(), which is just a dummy function. You have to modify this function and return if the a key is pressed or not. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Unfortunately, I can not say why the functions are not getting called. On my end it is working. Which version of emWin are you using? The exact version can be found in GUI_Version.h. The possibility to set custom read functions was introduced with version 5.22 of emWin. But, I doubt that someone uses such an old version (at least I hope no one does). Regards, Sven

  • Hi, I guess you are referring to the intern ROM of your MCU. It shouldn't occupy that much of your memory. Where do you get the emWin library from (ST, NXP, Reneses, etc.)? Maybe I can reproduce it. Quote from bio_med: “Will I need an external flash while using emWin to design more than two screens? ” Definitely not for just two screens. Quote from bio_med: “Is there a way to make use of just the code that's being used/ have I setup something wrong on emWin that could be causing this? ” Typicall…

  • Hi, From my point of view it is looking good so far. What exactly is not working? Does it crash? Has "pDevice" a value? Do you get into the functions set in the GUI_PORT_API structure? Did you spend enough memory for emWin? At least enough memory for 1 line of pixel data should available. Where is the controller initialization? emWin does not initialize the controller. This has to be done by the user. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Which font to use is defined by the language you intend to display. The font has to contain the proper characters use by a language. For example, to display Russian you need the Cyrillic character set, for Japanese the Japanese one and so on. The default fonts coming with emWin contain only the ASCII range as well as the Western Latin extension. To get fonts which support languages which need other character set you have to create your own font. This can be done with the Font Converter tool.…

  • Hi, emWin does not include a "windows.h". It might be possible that you are trying to run an example which uses the windows API to access files via the windows FS. Please note that these example are written to be used with the simulation of emWin. These examples have to be modified by the user to use their own HW specific FS to access files. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, the struct WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO gets declared within the LISTVIEW widget. A pointer to to this structure gets passed to the owner draw function. You can either call the default owner draw function within the custom one or call LISTVIEW_SetOwnerDraw(LISTVIEW_OwnerDraw); Regards, Sven

  • Hi, This depends pretty much on what you intend to do. Also the size of the LCD is important. Basically emWin will perform quite well on such a device, but you shouldn't expect a high performance when you want to draw a lot of semi transparent stuff (like bitmaps, AA text and shapes..). Semi transparency requires a lot of calculation to mix the pixel data and performs best when having some sort of hardware acceleration. Hardware acceleration is currently supported for STs STM32 and Renesas RX65N…

  • Hi, there is no default API for such a case. But, you could create an invisible window behind the widget and react on touch input (WM_TOUCH). Depending on the widget you can tell it to expand (DROPDOWN). But I doubt that this is easy for all the widgets. Another possibility is to draw the widget on your own. This way you can create it larger and draw only a small area. Regards, Sven

  • language support

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, recently we have changed this. Now the Font Converter demo is the same as the full version except the fact that you are not allowed to create a product with the demo version. Just download the Font Converter again from our website. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, the proper way is to use UTF8 encoding. As LexaGB already said the GUIBuilder supports only the ASCII range. You have to set other strings manually. After GUI_Init() call GUI_SetEncodeUTF8() to enable UTF8 encoding. C Source Code (2 lines) When setting a string to the TEXT widget you have to pass an UTF8 encoded string. C Source Code (2 lines) You can use the tool U2C.exe to convert a txt file (it has to be saved with UTF8 encoding without BOM) into a c-file with the UTF8 string. More inform…

  • language support

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Yes, these languages are supported by emWin. emWin supports any language as long as the font you are using contains the proper characters to display the desired string. To generate an emWin font you need the Font Converter. A demo version can e downloaded here: Since a normal ASCII string can not hold enough information about a string containing characters out of the ASCII range you have to enable another encoding in emWin. I recommend to use UTF8 encoding. You wi…

  • Hi, We have experienced the same and added a function to draw large ellipses. This will be released with the next emWin version. Unfortunately, I can not say how long it will take till ST relases the new version. You can get access to the most recent version of emWin by buying a Source Code Upgrade. Since you are using a free library of emWin you will get a 50% discount:…win/emwin-source-upgrade/ Regards, Sven