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  • Hi, AppWizard does not include a BSP for the STM32F429ZGT6, are you using a custom BSP? If so, could you send me this BSP so that I can try to reproduce the issue on the hardware? Thanks! Best regards, Florian

  • Lcd on AND OFF

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, The LCD can be turned on and off by sending the on/off command to the display driver callback: C Source Code (8 lines)Of course this requires the callback of your display driver to handle these commands. The LCDConf.c that we have for the RA6M3G does not handle these commands, so you would have to implement the commands yourself using the documentation of the display controller. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, I have already replied to you by email, but I will address this on the forum as well, in case any other users come across this. We do not guarantee that the emWin widget API works for AppWizard objects as well. For most objects the API functions work the same, but for a few exceptions, like the PROGBAR, they do not. It is safer to do this with AppWizard variables: - Add a new variable to the project (e.g. ID_VAR_PROGBAR). - Then add an interaction so that when the variable changes the value …

  • Hi Sam, This is not possible. Besides, we always recommend to use the "Extended" font type rather than "Standard" fonts. "Standard" fonts are an older format that is still present in FontConverter and emWin for compatibility reasons. Extended fonts have two major advantages over Standard fonts: They have a lower memory footprint because the pixels that are marked yellow are not included in the character bitmap. The second advantage is that the anti-aliasing quality of Extended fonts is superior …

  • Hi Joe, There is no equivalent function to set the line style of GRAPH_YT curves. This is because GRAPH_YT is for adding continuous values and e.g. a dashed line would indicate missing data. But you would be able to "simulate" a dashed line by leaving out a few values of the GRAPH every few times. The value 0x7FFF can be added for missing data and this value will not be displayed in the graph. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, GRAPH_DATA_XY_AddPoint() is for adding points in the form of coordinates. Values as large as the signed 16-bit limit won't work in the GRAPH since they are out of the display/widget area. You need to add coordinate points to the GRAPH based on your measurement values. Or maybe the GRAPH_YT makes more sense for your application. GRAPH_YT is useful for continuously adding values to a curve which gets automatically shifted to the left if new values are added. Best regards, Florian

  • Array Size issue

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, emWin offers two file formats to store emWin fonts externally: XBF fonts and SIF fonts. While XBF fonts offer a performance advantage over SIF fonts, the downside is that they can become larger in size. Especially if the gaps between the characters are big (such as 0x7F and 0xF900 as in your case). If you rather want a smaller font file, I would suggest that you use SIF fonts rather than XBF fonts. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, This issue is not related to emWin. Are you using emFile as your embedded file system? If so, I can move your thread to the emFile forum. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, You need to convert the strings to UTF-8. To do this, I recommend using our tool U2C. Alternatively, you can use this website to convert the strings: (third-party website not affiliated with SEGGER). You can find more detailed information about UTF-8 encoding in our manual: Best regards, Florian

  • Button over a graph

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, Did you create the button as a child window of the graph? Otherwise the graph can cover the button widget. Also, the WM_CF_SHOW flag should be passed, so that the button widget is visible. Below is an example call of BUTTON_CreateEx(): C Source Code (1 line) Best regards, Florian

  • Hi rhum, Thank you for your bug report, but this issue has already been fixed with emWin V5.44. I would suggest that you update to the latest version which is V6.24. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, Quote from ter2: “Thanks. I thought WM_HideWindow() was only used for windows or screen areas, not widgets. ” Widgets are windows, that means the Window Manager API routines (prefixed with WM_) also work with widgets. Quote from ter2: “I have a second question: I have to insert an image that resides in FLASH in the screen created by GUIBuilder. ” You can set the external BMP image to the widget with IMAGE_SetBMPEx(). Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, To show and hide widgets/windows you can use the routines WM_ShowWindow() and WM_HideWindow(). Quote from ter2: “I want to insert in _cbDialog - > case WM_INIT_DIALOG (as just done here), a switch-case that configure Buttons hide/show. ” A switch-case like in WM_NOTIFY_PARENT won't work in WM_INIT_DIALOG. WM_INIT_DIALOG is only sent once to the parent dialog, after it has been initialized. In WM_INIT_DIALOG, you can retrieve the button handles from the IDs by using WM_GetDialogItem(), e.g. W…

  • Hi, Due to the large amount of Chinese characters, a Chinese font is much larger than a font with only Latin characters. Every Chinese character has its own bitmap. What you could do to save memory is applying a pattern file to the font in the Font Converter. This would ensure only the characters that you need are added to the XBF font. Make sure to use "Extended" fonts in the Font Converter instead of "Standard" fonts, since extended fonts are more memory-efficient. Another way to reduce memory…

  • Hi, Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it! If your hardware target does not support either of the two connection methods, you can run your project in the emWin simulation on a Windows PC instead and connect via TCP/IP. In the shipment under Sample\GUI_X\GUI_SPY_X_StartServerWin32.c is a sample implementation that allows you to run the SPY server in the Windows simulation. Happy holidays and best regards, Florian

  • Hi, Quote from AlexSapego: “1. How can you see how much RAM is being used in the debugger? How can I see how many windows have been created? ” To monitor live memory usage and all windows with its properties, the tool emWinSPY can be used. The tool is supplied with emWin for no additional cost and should be located in the 'Tool' directory of a shipment. The emWin manual provides information about how you can use emWinSPY and set up a connection. Quote from AlexSapego: “2. Am I correct in underst…

  • XBF Font issue

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, the "MaxWidth" property is not actually relevant for the spacings between the characters. It holds the width of the character with the biggest xSize. When you read back the XBF font, the MaxWidth is 26 instead of 32, because the widest character was 26px in xSize, the one with 32px was not part of the XBF font. So this behavior of the Font Converter is actually to be expected. Each character has a "cursor distance" property which is the total width of the character (bitmap + spacing). The di…

  • XBF Font issue

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, I was able to reproduce this issue. I will look into it and let you know once it is fixed. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, The issue has been fixed with V6.18. I would recommend that you update to the latest version which is emWin V6.22. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, Maybe you are using an older version of emWin and the issue has already been fixed. Can you tell me which version you are using? You can read this from the file GUI_Version.h. Best regards, Florian