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  • J-Link v9

    SEGGER - Alex - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hi Simon, V9 means hardware version. A J-Link V8 cannot be upgraded to a V9 via an firmware update. On the backside of the J-Link, there is a sticker with a serial number etc. on it. There is also a "Version" printed on it. This version describes the hardware version. The hardware version is also encoded in the serial number of the J-Link: S/N: xx90xxxxx => J-Link HW version V9.0 Quote: “I think the part number (e.g. 8.08.90) describes the hardware version number doesn't it?” No, the part number…

  • Hi, Sounds strange... Anyhow, good to hear that it is working again. - Alex

  • J-Link v9

    SEGGER - Alex - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hi Simon, You can buy J-Link EDU for example directly from us. You can also buy it through one of our distributors. VCOM needs to be explicitly enabled for the J-Link V9, since it is done in software (no hardware UART pins available on the V9). More information about how to enable VCOM for the V9: UM08001 (J-Link User Guide), chapter 5.14 Virtual COM Port (VCOM). - Alex

  • Hi, There is no claim for getting support / an answer here... Also, why I am supposed to answer here, always? It is a forum where users also should help users. If you need (urgent) support and you are an official J-Link / SDK / ... customer: Get in touch with the support. Anyhow, did you try it from J-Link Commander? (mem32 <Addr>,<NumItems> command) If it works there: Check for differences regarding your project. - Alex

  • O.K., think we found it. Will be changed in one of the next versions (planned to be available within the next 3-4 weeks, maybe earlier), so it will no longer be required to disable the Mac OS X CDC drivers, to use the J-Link functionality. - Alex

  • Hi, Good to hear that it is working now. Anyhow, does not really sound good that it is working "out of the sudden"... Would be good to understand where the problem came from, to make sure that it is not hardware related and does not show up again. - Alex

  • Hi, We are currently taking a look at the OS X implementation again, in order to check if there is a simple change possible to avoid needing to disable the CDC drivers of OS X. I expect some results regarding this later today (actually a colleague of mine is looking at this). - Alex

  • Hi, First of all: It would be nice if you could assign a matching name to this thread... It is actually TI CCS + J-Link + AM3358 which makes problems. J-Link and AM3358 in general work fine, according to the J-Link Commander output you sent. Anyhow: Is J-Link Commander reliably connecting to the AM3358 device? Meaning that you only see the problems from inside CCS? Quote: “Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Nov 25 2013 19:20:08 Hardware: V8.00 S/N: <Serial number> VTarget = 3.306V” Any particular …

  • Hi, FYI: We are currently taking a look at the OS X implementation again, in order to check if there is a simple change possible to avoid needing to disable the CDC drivers of OS X. I expect some results regarding this later today (actually a colleague of mine is looking at this). - Alex

  • Hi, J-Link support has been added in MPLAB X V2.15 (which is not the final version, since PIC32MZ support is also going to be added etc.). Please note that GDBServer is *not* necessary to use J-Link in MPLAB X. MPLAB X supports J-Link natively. GDBServer allows using J-Link also with other IDEs than MPLAB X, which are based on GDB (e.g. emIDE: Anyhow, we will also add MPLAB X to the list of supported IDEs and will also have a small dedicated MPLAB X page, as available for most other…

  • Hi Steve, Sounds good. Thanks for the feedback. - Alex

  • Hi, I agree to euphoricnoise. Would be interesting to see what the output of J-Link Commander (JLink.exe) is. Best regards Alex

  • Hi, We are not aware of any problems with the SAM7S and Flasher stand-alone mode. You can start the Flasher in MSD mode (see manual for further information) and read out the log-file (FLASHER.LOG). What behavior do you see in stand-alone mode, if you do *not* erase the device? - Alex

  • Hi, Alright. So you had it running before and after flashing a particular application, it stopped working. From your post, I got the impression that it was not working at all, from the beginning. Good to hear that you have found the problem. Low power modes are always tricky since there are different levels of low-power modes which all have different effects on the debug side, and some of them do not allow debugging. In addition, on the SAM3U it is difficult for the debug probe to gain control o…

  • Hi Hila, Quote: “ I did not see any response, is it because dual core access is not integrated in the SDK yet?” Sorry for the late reply. No, it is because these are busy days. Quote: “When we switch between cores, we override Default.JlinkScript with a JlinkScript which matches the Core we want to access and them use JLiNK_ARM_Open() to establish connection” The Default.JLinkScript is only a generic method for IDEs etc. which do not support explicit selection of a J-Link script file. Quote: “Is…

  • Hi, Sounds a bit like a hardware / connection issue. We also use plenty of STM32F4 devices internally and they work fine. Did you give the STM32F4-Discovery a try with J-Link? How to connect a discovery board to J-Link:…kToSTM32F407Discovery.pdf Could you please clarify?: In your description of the problem, you wrote that you are using a J-Link EDU but the Commander output shows a J-Trace Cortex-M (OEM product from IAR). Are you seeing this problem with both J-Link…

  • Hi, Sorry, seems I forgot to update this thread... The reset on the board / device is not wired correctly and also resets the debug logic, making it impossible to halt the device immediately after reset. Anyhow, we have improved the behavior, so J-Link does not lose the communication to the device after reset. This improvement is included in V4.86a: No need to select the device. This is a generic improvement for Cortex-A/R based devices. - Alex

  • Hi, Quote: “So anyways, when I connect the jtag cable between the mcu and sam-ice, most of the time I get the error in the picture attached. However, sometimes it decides to work and communication is successful.” Yeah, sounds like a connection issue due to bad signal quality or similar. Trying with another cable is definitely a good idea. If the problem persists: Please check the SAM-ICE with another board, to make sure the SAM-ICE is not the problem here. - Alex

  • Hi, Quote: “ 1) I cannot update the firmware. The J-Link Configurator says the debugger contains already the newest firmware. Is this right?” Yes. Do you think the Configurator is lying? Please do not confuse firmware version with hardware version. These are two different things. A hardware version cannot be updated to a later one via a firmware update Quote: “2) I cannot start SWD programming/debugging with this tool. It is listed in the features of the debugging software, but once selected and…

  • Hi, Well, what you wrote is not correct so far. The J-Link flashloaders (used by J-Link GDBServer) in fact *do* add the checksum to the data being downloaded, so the LPC17xx detects the image as a valid one. If you see that this is not the case: Would it be possible to send us an ELF file we can download via GDB + GDBServer which allows reproduction of this problem? If there is anything to fix, we will fix it. Best regards Alex