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Hi guys, In my project I am using 4 same type of screen need to display same type of data like temperature , sensor value ,etc. I received data from sensors array format example sensor_data[4] . So currently I need to set value using settext function using different object names like ID_TEXT_1,ID_TEXT_2,ID_TEXT_3,ID_TEXT_4. My doubt is there any possibility for give name for the object is ID_TEXT[0],ID_TEXT[1],ID_TEXT[2],ID_TEXT[3]. any one have idea pls let me know . Thanks advance Ravindhar.S
Hi Florian , Any solution for this issue ? Because of this single screen 100+ window concept or not .my display Initial load takes more then a minute. So if you have any idea pls let me know . Thanks & Regard Ravi.S
Hi Florian , Thanks for your replay ,…37f2ccb643f7be627cabaec62 I attached the image for your reference. i need to keep few button and message display window static. Only center window change based on the operation flow .So I created one Screen and created 3 static windows center window I created more based on the button press I changed center window visibility .Now certain level I am not able to create objects. If I create more number of windows and object in sing…
Hi guys , In my project I am created only 1 screen . Inside that screen I am create more then 1000+ object and more windows . certain level I try to create object like image or text inside that Screen that time app-wizard closed automatically . It is not allow to create new object . So is there any limitation is there ?. Is there means how to increase limit or what is the solution for that issue ? If anyone know please give your valuable ideas to fix this problem. Thanks advance Ravi.S
Hi Guys, I facing following Issue. I have 2 window for example Window A and B. A window have 1 text object that object value blink every 500ms in timer .Blink means every 500ms I toggle Object then It look like blink Text object. Issue is when I swipe Window A to B using horizontal widow swipe option in app wizard. Blink test x position shifting automatically. I attached the screenshot for your referance. Thanks and Regards Ravi.S
Hi Florian, Sorry for the delayed response . Thank you so much It really works fine . Best Regards, Ravi S
Hi guys, I created some custom font in App wizard like acHRBCezanne_140_Normal_EXT_AA4 and acHRBCezanne_190_Normal_EXT_AA4. Initially I set 190 fonts by default in App wizard text properties. But run time I try to change to 140 fonts using following comment in emwin code. TEXT_SetFont(hItem, acHRBCezanne_140_Normal_EXT_AA4) But i am getting error. If i miss something somebody pls help to fix this issue. Thanks advance. Ravi.S
Hi Guys, I need to edit our default keypad or create a custom keypad. For example, Default keypads have +, -, delete, etc. If I need only (0 to 9) in my keypad also I need to arrange numbers in different order, keys in different spacing, and different sizes. So what do I need to do to customize my keypad? Does anyone have an idea or any example code to help me fix my custom keypad? Thanks and Regards Ravi.S
Hi Team, In my project need multiple windows on One screen like 10 windows objects on 1 screen. All window sizes same like 400x900. I arrange one window on top of another window. At a time one window is only displayed. Based on my requirements I switch windows. But my problem is whenever I need modification on a particular Window object. I need to move that particular window into TOP and EDIT in app-wizard. Now 10 windows object I will shift. If 30 to 40 windows then I need to shift every time i…