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  • Dear Gerard, Quote: “My own code will create a thread, this already gave some problems, I disabled LPTask and the thread would go oserror 0x80 but after re-enable LPTask again it worked.” Could you please share your code with us? OS Error 0x80 indicates that you tried to create a task with a task control block which was already used for another task. Quote: “In LPTask and HPTask I can do both OS_Delay without any problem, but in the thread I created myself inside HPTask if I execute OS_Delay it …

  • Dear Dawid, you are right. Unfortunately IAR changed again the runtime model, therefore the latest embOS RL78 IAR libraries are incompatible with IAR V2.20. We will release a new embOS RL78 IAR version for IAR V2.20 very soon. Could you please contact us directly per mail or give us a call? We should be able to send you something beforehand thereby you can directly continue your evaluation. Best regards, Til

  • Error - MtxWrapper.h

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    HI Rebel, embOS ARM IAR V3.82e does not include "MtxWrapper.h" at all. From which embOS file do you think it is included? I was able to build and run the simulator start project with IAR EWARM V7.50.2 without any problems. If you want to evaluate embOS please use the latest embOS ARM IAR trial version which is avaialble at Please contact us per email for any further support. Best regards, Til

  • Error - MtxWrapper.h

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Rebel, are you a registered embOS customer or are you evaluating embOS? Could you please give us some more information about your setup? 1. Which embOS and which embOS version are you using? 2. Which IAR and which IAR version are you using? Best regards, Til

  • Hello Martin, sorry for the delay, we were pretty busy last week (EW2016 is coming!). We always try to keep all embOS ports up to date which needs some time with so many ports (currently we have over 80 embOS ports ). Anyhow I will give this high priority now and keep you informed. Btw.: In such a case and since your are in support please don't hesitate to contact us via the embOS support email address or give as a call. Best regards, Til

  • HI Luciano, You are right, OS_ARM_InstallISRHandler() is not included in the TM4C129 start project. With Cortex-M OS_ARM_InstallISRHandler() is only necessary when you are working with vector table in RAM. This is not supported by the RTOSInit_TM4C129 .c. If you need RAM vector table we can add this feature very easily Best regards, Til

  • Hi Vikash, the latest version of IAR EWMSP430 is V6.40, do you mean this version? Best regards, Til

  • Hi Stephan, I just did a quick check with IAR EWARM V7.30.4 (I don't have V7.30.1 installed) and it builds w/o any warnings or errors. The project was built for the IAR ARM Compiler 7.30.4. The linker error message occurs because we rename some functions like OS_InitKern() in order to avoid that an embOS Cortex-M library with FPU support is being used in a project without FPU support. Your linker searches for "OS_InitKern_STD" which is part of the non FPU library but the start project contains t…

  • Hi Alberto, - In this example priority inheritance is working the right way? Yes, it is working the right way. The OS_Use(&Resource) in the HPTask causes the priority inheritance. The LPTask occupies the resource semaphore Instead of running further the HPTask and being blocked the scheduler runs the LPTask again. The basic idea is that the LPTask frees the resource sempahore with OS_Unuse(). OS_Unuse() checks if any task is waiting for the resource semaphore which is true for the HPTask. Theref…

  • event objects behavior

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Severin, I just checked it but I was not able to reproduce your issue. Everything works as expected. Anyway I would suggest to use OS_EVENT_RESET_MODE_AUTO or OS_EVENT_RESET_MODE_MANUAL instead of OS_EVENT_RESET_MODE_SEMIAUTO which is still there to be comatible with older embOS versions. If you still having problems please feel free to send us more details or even a simple project which shows the probelm. Best regards, Til

  • OS_GetCSemaValue

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Harsh, it is the current count value. You are right, the manual makes that not clear. Thanks for the hint. Best regards, Til

  • Hi Roman, ok, thanks for your feedback! Best regards, Til

  • Hello, unfortunately I cannot see you screenshot. But could you please use the latest embOSView from and try again? If the issue still exists please contact us directly via the embOS support email address. Best regards, Til

  • Please contact us via the embOS support email address for further details. Best regards, Til

  • Yes, we will support the Cortex M MPU in future but I cannot promise any release date so far. Best regards, Til

  • OS crash

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello Harsh, although your company is out of support for several yeasrs please contact the embOS support directly per email if you think this problem is caused by embOS. I will send you a private message with the support email address (which can be also found in the embOS manual) Best regards, Til

  • Hi, we have sent you a reply to your email which was sent to our support email address. Best regards, Til

  • JVM over EmbOS

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello Tarun, I am not familiar with Python interpreter for ARM9. I just search with Google out of curiosity about it and found a lot of information so maybe it's possible. If you can run the Python interpreter on the ARM9, it should also run with embOS. Best regards, Til

  • Hello Marc, if you have a valid support and update agreement (and I think you have) you can contact our support directly per email. You can find the according email address in the embOS generic documentation. That makes it easier for us to give you best support. There are hook functions for thread safety and for thread local storage. We already support the thread safety functions (_mutex_* ) and I will check if we have to implement the thread local storage functions too (I think so). Best regard…

  • JVM over EmbOS

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello, I don't think you will find something like that. But maybe you could give some more information about what you like to do. Best regards, Til