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  • Hi Rich, Please take a look into the application attached. I have created four buttons. The first two are getting drawn with different shapes (but still they react on press over their whole area). The third button has the standard stile but with different colors and the last one stays untouched. Regards, Sven

  • Hello Roldi, The problem is most likely related to a lack of memory. If there is not memory available the creation of a memory device will fail and the function GUI_MEMDEV_Create() will return 0. The most simple solution will be to increase the memory available for emWin. Take a look into the GUIConf.c and increase the size of the array used for allocating memory to emWin. Regarding the layer issue, not sure why it is working but I would recommend to configure multiple layers before using them R…

  • Hi Sören, This is how we have implemented the touch into one of our STM32F746 Discovery project: C Source Code (25 lines) Important is that you generate up events, too, at the same position as the last down event. In our project we call this function from a dedicated touch task but it should be possible to call it from within a super loop. Once the touch input is properly passed to emWin the button should react as soon as it gets pressed. You can also take a look into our eval package. There is …

  • Hi, try overwriting the LISTBOX callback function and simply do nothing on WM_SET_FOCUS message. Set the callback with WM_SetCallback(hListbox, _cbListbox); C Source Code (9 lines) Any other messages are getting handle by the default callback. Regards, Sven

  • window scrollbar

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Take a look into the application attached. I have created a dialog with widgets beyond its limits (the dialog is 480 p in x but the last widget is placed at x0 880). Further I have attached a scrollbar to the dialog and on scroll I move all the widget to the left or right. Another option might be to define the dialog big enough to hold all the widget and use the motion support of the window manager. Regads, Sven

  • Hi, try the sample attached. There I create initially the RADIO widgets at the same position but only one is visible. On a selection change of the LISTBOX I switch the visibility of the RADIO widgets. Regards, Sven

  • Rounded Corner Window

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, good to know that I could help. When using alpha blending please keep in mind to deactivate it when you don't need it anymore. Otherwise it can have a heavy impact on performance. Also, in a lot of cases it not even required to use alpha blending. Depending on the design you have chosen. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, You should enable transparency only for those window which really need it. Otherwise the windows will be redrawn too when the background changes. Also you can use WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE this will prevent windows with transparency from being redrawn. Do not use this if the window has semi transparency (e.g. like an AA edge). Please take a look at the create flag description below the description of WM_CreateWindow() ind the emWin user manual. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, take a look into the file attached. There I call WM_InvalidateRect() to redraw only a small part of a window. Each time the window gets redrawn it changes its back ground color. Since just a small part is invalid only the back ground of the center text changes the color. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, I'm not sure which board you are working with, but on our website we have some eval packages for ST devices using emWin (and our other products). Like this one: Just search for the LCDConf.c and take a look into it regarding the configuration. In the project for Embedded Studio we map the FrameBuffer (LCDConf.c) and the GUI memory (GUIConf.c) to the external SDRAM. Regards, Sven

  • STM DMA2D and font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi Frédéric, thanks for the hint. We will check that. Regards, Sven

  • Rounded Corner Window

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, take a look into the sample attached. I have created a simple dialog with rounded corners. To achieve this I have set a transparency flag for the dialog and set its back ground color to GUI_INVALID_COLOR. Using GUI_INVALID_COLOR prevents the widget to draw its back ground with a default color (e.g. GUI_WHITE). Further I react on WM_PAINT in the dialog callback function and draw a rounded rectangle. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Try calling WIDGET_SetEffect(hListbox, &WIDGET_Effect_None). This removes effect drawings from this widget. The effect is the frame. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, I have attached a sample which shows how you could achieve what you want. 1. WM_Invalidaterect() is one way. Just invalidate the area of Text5. 2. Deactivating the window manager is not the best idea. Quote: “ Having Confusion related to GUI_xxx Functions 1. Does GUI_xxx functions wait for HSYNC or VSYNC signal to update Or it will updatedirectly whenever they were executing. ” It depends.. In general the GUI_xxx functions will draw directly to the LCD, but: If you have activated automatic u…

  • Deleting all windows

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, I have added a function to the sample code which iterates over all child windows of the desktop window and deletes them. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Which driver are you using? When using for example the GUIDRV_FlexColor you could use LCD_ControlCache(LCD_CC_LOCK) and LCD_ControlCache(LCD_CC_UNLOCK). First lock the LCD cache and perform the drawing. On the end-of-frame signal you call the function with unlock command and the drawing gets send to the LCD. When using the GUIDRV_Lin I would recommend to configure your application for use of multiple buffers. Also you can try to use memory devices. First draw everything into a memory device …

  • Deleting all windows

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, The easiest way would be to create a window as a child of the dialog. When deleting the dialog all of its child windows will be deleted, too. When you create the window with WM_CreateWindow() simply remember the return value of WM_CreateWindow(). The return value is the handle of the created window. Attached is a sample which shows how to create and delete windows in different ways. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, It's hard to say what causes the HardFault. Since the configuration was for a smaller display please check that the framebuffer is large enough (LCDConf.c). The required memory is calculated this way: XSIZE * YSIZE * BPP / 8 * NUM_BUFFERS BPP is the color depth in bit per pixel, NUM_BUFFERS is the amount of buffers used for multi buffering. If there is not enough memory available try to decrement the number of buffers in the first step. Further you should check if enough working memory for e…

  • STM DMA2D and font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Please take a look into the LCDConf.c attached. The LCDConf.c is for a STM32F429. There we set a function for drawing anti aliased characters. Just search for: GUI_AA_SetpfDrawCharAA4(_LCD_DrawBitmap4bpp); Depending on the the emWin version you are using, not all functions might be available but the function GUI_AA_SetpfDrawCharAA4() should be available at least in V5.32 of emWin. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Your solution is kind of similar to the way we do it in most cases: C Source Code (22 lines) The function PID_X_Exec() gets called periodically (like every 25 ms). Regards, Sven