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Hello. Thanks again for the help. but because I am using an analog resistive Touch Screen and according to "page 1081 of emWin User Manual" ebook , the GUI_TOUCH_Exec() calls GUI_TOUCH_StoreState() internally and I think GUI_TOUCH_Exec() used returned results fromGUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX() and GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY() functions to fill GUI_TOUCH_StoreState() parameters. Also GUI_PID_GetState() function detects X , Y Positions and Pressed state rightly. I still have the problem. Thank you.
Hello. Thank you for your help. but my problem is that the WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED is never activated (called) when I release a widget (Like button) . even DEBUG mode shows that WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED never get fired (activated) in DIALOG callback(_cbDialog).So I can not execute any code in response to WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED. thanks.
Hello. I have a simple GUI Window with a button on it. my problem is that when I remove (release) my finger (pressure) from the (any) widget on analog touch screen, the WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED is not fired in Dialog callback routine(_cbDialog) and Cursor is also jumped to other position which is different from last coordinate of my finger.(the values of x and y coordinates are right in pressed state). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…