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  • Dear Embedded Enthusiasts, we have trouble with J-Scope since newly introducing the C++20 data type std::strong_ordering into our code base. After selecting the ELF file and starting to load, J-Scope (in all recent versions) will parse the file until a certain point and then stop, resulting in crashes after a minute or so in both Linux and Windows versions of J-Scope (Bluescreen on Windows, unresponsive UI on Linux with subsequent crash). I have trouble reproducing this with a small complete exa…

  • We have encountered a crash scenario with J-Scope V7.92f (version 7.70e is the last one that does not crash) during parsing of an ELF-file that contains a C++ class with more than one factory method (using arm-none-eabi-g++-12) Example code to reproduce: C Source Code (27 lines) Trying to load with MAKE_ME_FAIL defined will make max out the CPU usage of J-Scope, until it finally crashes. The screen freezes with this window:…36fe4883f83764040d86f2138 When only using…