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  • OK, I got it, JLinkGDBServer would start it's own connection to J-Link debug probe<-> target, I misunderstood that I have to start JLinkExe for JLinkGDBServer to connect to, I thought the debugging model is gdb <--> JLinkGDBServer <--> JLinkExec <--> J-Link debug prob <--> target Now, if I don't start JLinkExe then everything works well. Thanks a lot !

  • Thanks! I'm trying to debug my app on RISCV hardware, but I can not use J-Link flash download the app to hardware. I tried, it did not work for me. That's why I can not use what you recommended: Eclipse + GDB + GDBServer and start debugging. My debugging sequence is as following: 1. start execute app on hardware 2. start JLinkExe 3. start JLinkGDBServer 4 . start gdb As you can see I did not start 2nd JLink that gdbserver is not aware of. I also verified with 'ps -elf' to make sure there is only…

  • The problem is not about gdb, because gdb shows PC got changed: (gdb) monitor reg pc 0x7001DDDC Writing register (#32 = 0x7001DDDC) (gdb) monitor reg pc Reading register (#32 = 0x7001DDDC) The problem is between JLinkGDBserver and JLink The logging of JLinkGDBserver shows Received monitor command: reg pc 0x7001DDDC Writing register (#32 = 0x7001DDDC) verified with JLink command "regs" which shows PC did not get changed. The logging of JLink shows it did not receive the "setpc" command from JLink…

  • By the way, can I download the sources of JLinkGDBserver ? so I can build a debug version to debug it.

  • ok, got it. Thanks ! Another problem: Tried to change PC value from gdb, but PC did not change, (gdb) monitor reg pc 0x7001dc04 Writing register (#32 = 0x7001DC04) log from JlinkGDBserver Received monitor command: reg pc 0x7001dc04 Writing register (#32 = 0x7001DC04) Verified with JLink command: J-Link>regs pc = 000000007001C2BE sp = 000000007001FB70 ra = 000000007001DF56 gp = C96B448222400110 tp = 6801221A405D3080 fp = 0000000000000000 t0 = 0000000000001830 t1 = 0000000000000000 t2 = 0000000000…

  • I had a debugging model of following: gdb <--> jlinkgdbserver <--> jlink <--> RISCV board when I issue "monitor regs" from gdb, I got ARM regsters set: (gdb) monitor regs X0 = 00000000, X1 = 7001CA5A, X2 = 7001F6B0, X3 = 22400150 X4 = 405D3080, X5 = 64000038, X6 = 00000025, X7 = 64000030 X8 = 0014112D, X9 = 00000001, X10= 7001D062, X11= 00000000 X12= 00000000, X13= 00000000, X14= 00000000, X15= 64000000 X16= 7001D490, X17= 00000015, X18= 00000002, X19= 00000003 X20= 00000003, X21= 00000002, X22=…