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  • The trouble was mixing between different versions. The BSP Setup "\CMSIS\Generic" from embOS Cortex-M GCC is working. Thanks!

  • I use the library from downloaded porting "embOS for Cortex-M and GCC" and GCC compiler. As I understand the porting should not depend on IDE. Am I right? Can I use the library and include for the STM32CubeIDE Cortex M4 V7 project?

  • I am porting EmbOS to STM32WB55 and STM32CubeIDE with CMSIS V2. I took project embOS_Blinky from I-CUBE-EMBOS for STM32F746G-DISCO as reference for IDE. And project STM32WB55_STM32WB55RG_Nucleo from "embOS_CortexM_ES_Free_V5.12.0.1" as reference for embOS library. Now I have many errors "undefined reference to.." OS API. 1. Do you have integration of embOS to STM32CubeMX as Middleware like a FreeRTOS? 2. Do you have embOS project STM32CubeIDE for STM32WB55?

  • Dear Martin. Thank you for answer. I don't understand something. As I know, the SoftDevice is a part of BLE stack, it should be programmed as hex image before debugging and it should be placed from beginning of the ROM. It also takes the part of RAM depends from BLE SDK configuration and used modules. What is the easiest way to use embOS with NRF soft device? I see 2 options: 1. Use as the base the embOS IAR project (with the 3 changes), remapping the application, add BLE component to work with …

  • Hi. I am trying to port embOS to nordic nrf52840 SDK 17.0.2. I took for the base Nordic SDK project UART (peripheral example without Soft Device). Added embOS library and it started to work: only OS with peripheral drivers. Now I am working to add a Soft Device - part of BLE code. I see that Nrf for FreeRTOS for SysTick uses the RTC timer from 32kHz (define FREERTOS_USE_RTC with using RTC1_IRQHandler. I found in embOS #define OS_TIMER_FREQ (SystemCoreClock). Questions: 1. Did somebody test the e…

  • In Generic CMSIS project in ReadMe.txt Supported hardware is: "The sample project for CMSIS should run on any Cortex M3 core." Can the project be used with M4? What is limitation or required changes to use it with Cortex M4?