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  • Hi everyone, I've identified and fixed the problem The Segger Systemview GUI is not able to cope with events that are not timestamped properly (sequentially). For the Cortex M0/M0+ the usual time stamping mechanism is to use SysTick (system timer). The problem is that FreeRTOS only configures and enables SysTick when vTaskStartScheduler() is called, so all Segger SysView events that happen before this are timestamped with the same zero value (0). This …

  • Hi there! I'm trying to get Segger SysView working with FreeRTOS v10.3.1 on an ARM Cortex M0+. I applied the FreeRTOSV10_Core.patch by hand, added the example SEGGER_SYSVIEW_X_GetTimestamp() function and increment the SEGGER_SYSVIEW_TickCnt variable at the start of xPortSysTickHandler() in FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM0/port.c as follows: C Source Code (29 lines)The SysTick and Scheduler events are shown correctly with timestamps in the event log but they are not displayed in the Timeline …

  • I moved the SEGGER_SYSVIEW_TickCnt variable incrementing code to the start of xPortSysTickHandler() in port.c and now my timestamping works

  • Hi there! My timestamps are wrapping / overflowing and this confuses the SysView GUI: I found the SystemView documentation note: "In case timestamp is not retrieved from cycle counter but from system timer, SEGGER_SYSVIEW_TickCnt must be incremented in the SysTick handler before any SYSVIEW event is generated." I have tried to debug the SysView code to figure out what the problem is but so far the root cause has eluded me Would you mind explaining in m…