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  • Hello I found nice new feature which is in Importing of the Cmake generated Ninja projects. But I have problem with importing Zephyr's projects. Can you please provide some examples which can be succcessfully imported?

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “Hello Lee, Thank you for your inquiry. Embedded Studio is a graphical IDE. So all usecases are designed around using the GUI with the integrated tool chain. So our recommendation is to use the GUI and project options and set all includes and preprocessor defines there. When linking against a third party IDE you have to ideally do this only once (except the SDK is designed bad, but that is not on us). We do not recommend to edit the .emProject manually. Any issues you m…

  • Hello, when I'm adding any solution or project, e.g. static library, to another solution, e.g. executable, I have manually copy all preprocessor derictives and includes. Is it correct way to use static libraries in SES? It's not very comfortable. Is there any tool (or are there plans to develop this tool in future) to import all preprocessors together with solution when adding to current project?