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  • Maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick. After fixing up one of the warnings, I built the project, now my source navigator tasks view is blank. How do I get the list of wanrings back in the source navigator tasks view? I notice that if I make a change I only get warnings from new code and existing warnings now long appear - is this expected behaviour? Reopening the Source Navigator side panel seems to trigger a reindexing, I then get the warnings in the Output Source Navigator panel but it is …

  • Opening a project I am working on I see that I have 0 errors, 10 warnings and 14 infomations in the lower right hand corner of the IDE:…3d6d84b7c2e23418757a069f2 I am able to see the warnings if I switch the Output window to Source Navigator, set to Tasks, and scroll through the list, expand the given source file and scroll down to find the warning - is this the only option that lists these out and can be used to navigate to the offending code? How/where can I find…

  • Hi Nino, I had the LINTDIR set correctly but it seems I had lost some of the " from my version of tools.xml - I copied your commands section into my tools.xml, with the additional "'s and now it has sprung to life. Thanks for the help, Tom.

  • Forgot to specify above, I'm using the nRF52840 and the Nordic SDK - blinky example being the one available within the SDK, specifically examples\peripheral\blinky\pca10056\blank\ses\blinky_pca10056.emProject but I am facing the same problem with any of the example projects.

  • Thanks Fabian. I now have the output, unfortunatley I'm still having trouble. I believe the -D issue is because of one of my defines so I ran up the untouched blinky example. There are a couple of warnings: Source Code (8 lines) I can manually remove the macros option from the tools xml, but this should be udpated for the next release of SES. The main issue is the error: Source Code (1 line)Can you run up the blinky example and check whether it works for you?

  • Hi Fabian, Thanks for your reply. I did look into the configuration file and noticed it is calling lint with -D__GNUC__, I took this out incase it was the source of the problem but I get the same error message. The trouble is I don't know what the call: Quote: “ "$(LINTDIR)/lint-nt" -i$(LINTDIR)/lnt "$(LINTDIR)/lnt/co-gcc.lnt" $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) -D__GNUC__ -u -b +macros -w2 -e537 +fie +ffn -width(0,4) -hF1"-format=%f:%l:%C:s%t:s%m" "$(InputPath)" ” tur…

  • I have just installed a trial of PC-lint Plus, 1.3.5, to test out with SES. I've managed to get it to call lint, by setting up LINTDIR however now when I attempt to lint a file I get the following message: Source Code (6 lines)I'm having trouble getting more detailed output to dig any further. Is it possible to get more details logs/see exactly how it is being called?