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  • never mind, there was an issue with how i was passing arguments that was passing "-RTTTelnetPort 19021" instead of "-RTTTelnetPort" "19021"

  • jlink version 7.80d (latest) JLinkGDBServerCL does not understand RTTTelnetPort, meaning that i cannot use two jlink debuggers on the same computer and redirect rtt data to two different ports. according to the documentation, "Except for the missing GUI, J-Link GDB Server CL is identical to the normal version.Therefore, all sub-chapters apply to the command line version, too." error log: Source Code (3 lines)

  • Is there an ETA for Systemview for Apple silicon (M1)? Currently it is running trough rosetta and I think that is the reason why I'm getting overflows even with 100 ticks/s and 16K buffer, with jlink running at 50'000kHz. The other RTT tools are already supporting Apple silicon so that seems doable? best, Alexis

  • I beleive it is the ram size reserved for EmWin. the size and address are given in the init GUI_X_Config C Source Code (5 lines)

  • Thanks a lot for your answer, I was able to change the format, first to "high color 565", with no noticable improvement, and then with auto, with a 10s improvement (going from about 25 to about 15 seconds) when the screen in question was the first one. That led me to try this with the screens order the "original way", and again, load time was decreased by about 10seconds, from 2 minutes 40s down to 2 min 30s. That problem is still not clear to me, why loading this screen first or loading this sc…

  • I'm having performances issues using emwin/appwizard, and i cant figure out if it is expected from that type of configuration with this type of hardware, or if i'm missing something. Our client developped the interface using Appwizard, so we wouldn't have to modify our code every little design change. Hardware is: 180MHz cortex M4F (LPC54607) 2Mbytes SDRAM 16bits @90Mhz 800*480 24bits display I am using double buffering with GUIDRV_LIN_16 with GUICC_565. so about 1.5Mbytes for vram, and 500kByte…

  • AppWizard/EmWin for M4F

    alexis.marquet - - emWin related


    Thanks, I was trying to verify if there was any performance difference using appwizard between M4F and M7F libs. NXP just released their updated M4F library with no visible performance change with your M7F one. I am still having performance issues but that is for another thread Best regards, Alexis Marquet

  • AppWizard/EmWin for M4F

    alexis.marquet - - emWin related


    Is there an existing version of the library for the cortex M4F? my CPU is a LPC54607 (M4F), the only library i can find is the one available trough NXP but does not contains the AppWizard part (version is old). and packaged with appwizard, there is only M4 or M7F, but no M4F Best regards, Alexis Marquet

  • ROM usage of Appwizard

    alexis.marquet - - emWin related


    Thank you very much, that version was not yet available on NXP's website. using v6.14a fixed that, unicode array is no longer linked. however, even if i am not using JPEG images, i still get the GUI_JPEG__DecodeLine function and other jpeg routines, same for SPRITE support and so on. Is that a limitation on Appwizard with external resources (on SD card) where it still links those functions because the resources type is not known to APPW? or is that also something that could be "fixed" in the nea…

  • ROM usage of Appwizard

    alexis.marquet - - emWin related


    Appwizard V1.00_6.10f, headers from this version and lib is M7F version. Hardware is LPC54608 dev board. code still fits because it has 512 KB of flash ROM, but end device is LPL54607 which only has 256KB, which won't fit. The problem is that even with BIDI disabled (so there is no call to Enable_bidi in the init), the array of the unicode codepoints is still linked Best regards, Alexis Marquet

  • ROM usage of Appwizard

    alexis.marquet - - emWin related


    I am working on a project with appwizard and I realised that about 66kB of ROM are used for unicode even when if the "support bidirectional text" is disabled in the project options. I read the doc for emWin, which says that about 60kB of rom is expected to be used as soon as GUI_UC_EnableBIDI is linked, but it is only present in the code when the option is ticked in the project option, and it currently isn't. Am I missing a define somewhere? the only place where i can find this _aTypes array for…

  • Allright i found what was causing the issue. I changed the headers from the ones distributed with appwizard and it fixed the problem. I thinkthe ones i had were a previous version, so I think some of the values from define/enums were different from the ones in the compiled library, because some jobs were working, some not. Thanks for your support, it helped me to narrow it down. best regards, Alexis Marquet

  • I tried doing the same thing as you with everything else removed from the appwizard project: C Source Code (8 lines) But while that works in the simulation (with the text set in "set interaction parameter" to check), it does not work on target. the callback shown above is never called. Would it be possible to check against your _aAction in ID_SCREEN_00.c? C Source Code (6 lines) Hope we can narrow it down, tell me if you need more details Best regards, …

  • Yes, but that is not possible to set a text that is not know when building with appwizard, such as a serial number. my problem is trying to set the text at runtime, not while designing with appwizard, if that is more clear. How can I set a text that is not in the "text" resources from appwizard, and set it when the UI is loaded/created? Best regards, Alexis Marquet

  • I'm having trouble using the interaction and custom code integration with appwizard. I would like to set the text in a textbox on startup to a custom string (ie. a serial number, only present at runtime). for this task, I was thinking to add a text box on the screen, add a APPW_NOTIFICATION_CREATE signal sent by the parent screen. there I can have either two options: NULL receiver to execute the user defined code, or the SN text box as a receiver with SET_TEXT as a job, but in neither of those c…