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  • Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “Both are not problems but simply have been changed. to 1) As the PDF indicates, the manual has been moved to the wiki. to 2) As editing the xml file in the installation directory was a hassle and overwritten with each new installation, a global folder (which can hold multiple xml files, so things can modularized) has been introduced:…t_Kit#JLinkDevices_folder So you no longer edit in an …

  • In the last few releases of the J-Link pack (v7.80c, v7.80d, 7.82) I am finding a few problems during the install: 1. `Documentation/Manuals/UM08001_JLink.pdf` is only 74kB and 4 pages. This document used to be several MB and over 400 pages! The manual also does not show correctly from the website: 2. The directory `Devices/` and file `JLinkDevices.xml` is missing when I install the new J-Link pack. Where did these files go? I used to add an entry into JLinkDev…

  • Quote from SEGGER - AlexD: “Hi Sparky, thanks for notifying us. The 1st issue is most likely related to using leading tabs for indentation. Ozone does not always handle tabs properly. The 2nd issue can be reproduced in our labs. We will provide a fix in a subsequent release. Best regards -- AlexD ” Thanks for the reply, AlexD! I'll try replacing tabs with spaces and see if that helps the first issue. I noticed an Ozone update today (v3.26h) so I'll give that a test. Glad to know that you could r…

  • [SOLVED] .jdebug editing problems

    Sparky - - Ozone related


    I just upgraded to Ozone v3.26g (on MacOS Big Sur 11.6.6) and encountered two problems editing `.jdebug` files within Ozone: 1. If I place the cursor behind `//` and type a space (i.e. <spacebar> key) then the cursor jumps to between the first and second `/` and inserts a space so the result is `/ /`. - See attached "before" and "after" images 2. Despite editing the `.jdebug` file there is no `*` (asterisk) shown next to the filename in the tabbed window of open files --- the open file tab shows…

  • Hi Nino, Thanks for the reply, and link to the Wiki -- I did not know that documentation of J-Link LED colors online. Very helpful! I am using a J-Trace Pro (SN: 932000xxx): ➜ JLinkExe SEGGER J-Link Commander V7.54d (Compiled Sep 28 2021 16:14:15) DLL version V7.54d, compiled Sep 28 2021 16:14:09 Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K. Firmware: J-Trace PRO V2 Cortex compiled Sep 7 2021 09:57:01 Hardware version: V2.00 ... There are 4 LEDs on this J-Trace Pro, and I've observed some LEDs be orange a…

  • Hello Segger, I use both a J-Link (BASE Compact) and a J-Trace Pro. These debugger/programmer have LED(s) (1 on the J-Link BASE and 4 on the J-Trace Pro) that give some indication/status (such as usb enumeration, critical error, target /reset pin is low). I'm looking for documentation (e.g. the J-Link/J-Trace user manual UM08001 or Wiki) that describes meaning of each LED along with its color. e.g. Orange means /reset is low. It would be a help e.g. when pressing reset button on a development bo…

  • [SOLVED] Ozone Timeline

    Sparky - - Ozone related


    Thank you for the update, Nino! I have experienced this in the past and happy to hear it has a fix. I will look forward to trying it soon I hope. Best wishes!

  • Hello Nino! Thanks for the prompt follow-up --- I really appreciate that! Very good to know which RTT channel is displayed in Ozone. Even if there's not possibility to configure it, I could always set aside that channel. > Multi channel setups are generally not recommended. Why is that? I love the RTT capability and I can have SystemView and Logging and Console all separately in different RTT buffers. I have read about the virtual terminals but I don't understand why is it bad to use multiple RT…

  • [SOLVED] Ozone Timeline

    Sparky - - Ozone related


    hello @m.hufnagl, I was wondering if you were able to solve this problem in the support ticket. Could you share any resolution / information here? Thank you!

  • Hello Segger, In my application I use multiple up/down RTT channels for different purpose (shell, logging, binary transfer, etc.). When I am debugging with Ozone it's nice to use the integrated Terminal window to capture text messages that are sent from the Target (using e.g. SEGGER_RTT_WriteString(BufferIndex, "String")) but how can I specify which RTT up/down channel should be displayed in Ozone Terminal Window? To give specific example, I can create a new UP channel (Target -> Host direction)…

  • I would like to add a `+1` to this bug report. I experience the same bug with Ozone v3.22e on macOS Mojave 10.14.6. I have attached the crash report.