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  • solved: How to show dinamic variable thanks.

  • Hi. I am using a adc converter to read a variable voltage and I want to show the live value of it on the screen (in an "edit" widget for example). in touchgfx by STMicroelectronic there is a "handleTickEvent" function that ticks every 20 ms and can be used for refresh the values. in EmWin is there any way like this? or... ? is it possible to create a while loop for update variables? or should use another way? thanks.

  • SPI lcd configuration

    ReMadza - - emWin related


    solved by: Source Code (37 lines) and using this "pfwrite"s: Source Code (5 lines)

  • SPI lcd configuration

    ReMadza - - emWin related


    Hi. I am using STemwin + ILI9341 SPI LCD. in FMC configuration we should use some codes like: Source Code (33 lines)in LCDConf_Flexcolor.c file. now... the question is how to edit this lines for SPI lcds? thanks.

  • solved by increasing GUI_NUMBYTES from 65536 to 90000!

  • Hi. I want to use multi page on a 480*320 lcd. so edited a demo of multipage... but with FRAMEWIN_AddMinButton() after two (or more\less) times minimize and reopening the window emwin hangs (?) and stops working! this is my code: C Source Code (209 lines)in line 119 I defined a bmp for background (with size of 480*320). by removing this line everything goes OK! my MCU has 132 KB of RAM.. if I use an MCU with 190 or 260 KB of RAM the problem can be solved? is there any solution? thanks. Sora.

  • Quote from SEGGER - Florian: “Hi, GUI_BMP_DrawEx() expects a pointer to a GetData function as first and the file handle as second parameter. The GetData function reads the file using the file handle, so that emWin can draw the BMP image with the data that was read. There is an example in the wiki that demonstrates this. The example can be run in both the Windows simulation and on a target (using emFile). You can apply this example to the file system you are using, since the steps are the same. T…

  • Hi. I want to draw bitmap or gif from external sd, but i can't understand some point... for reading a file from sd card using hal and sdio you should follow below steps: Source Code (13 lines)unfortunately in this board i have no external ram and the file is to big to be save in internal RAM... my question is how to use above code along side with: Source Code (1 line) or should i use other functions? should i use myRES (or &myRES) instead of pfGetData? or should i write another function that con…

  • crash after touch

    ReMadza - - emWin related


    Hi. am using resistive touch screen with xpt2046 driver. touch driver return coordinate successfully. the gui works fine after initial but after touching get crash. touch: Source Code (31 lines) main: Source Code (15 lines) createwindow: Source Code (6 lines) Help me please

  • solved!! my lcd initial library was named lcd.h which compiler confused it by lcd.h in stemwin libraries.

  • Hi. i tried to port STemwin to my project using this tut... but after compiling i faced these errors: Source Code (61 lines)i know.. these errors caused by some missing #include .. probably? but don't know which one... help me please

  • hi. i want to run a 4.3 lcd (stemwin+stm32f407zix+ssd1963). but problem is here that i don't know how to wire between mcu an ssd1963... should i use fsmc? how to set other pins (except data/address)? or define own custom pins? if both ways are available i prefer custom pins help me please thanks.

  • suitable library for keil?

    ReMadza - - emWin related


    Hi. i am a keil user... the latest library can not be compiled in this ide cause of "windows.h". is there any solution? thanks.

  • Quote from gtoner: “Sven, Worked terriffic! Many Thanks! Regards, Gene ” hi. can you explain except sck, mosi and miso how you connected the lcd's other pins to mcu? thanks.