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  • Degree symbol in GUI Builder

    AndrewJ - - emWin related


    Thanks both. Sven: I more-or-less tried this approach with the generated C file to set the Text widget, although I used octal rather than hex - I learnt something today from the use of hex in your code above! I did know how to do it in code - and when I tried, I didn't need to set anything to UTF-8 as the font used supported the character. I rather suspected that I would need to do it manually if necessary, I just thought I'd check as I'm new to emWin. The approach I tried, by setting the text t…

  • Degree symbol in GUI Builder

    AndrewJ - - emWin related


    I want a Text label that reads degreesC - symbol, not the word degree. The only way I've found to do it is to copy a degree symbol from Character Map and then size the Text widget accordingly, then overwrite the degree symbol with \260, leaving me with a Text label reading "\260C" (can't do this with hex, only octal) so of course it looks rubbish in GUI Builder (but ok at run time.) Is there a better way to do this?