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  • Hello, I've using a Windows 10 x64 PC and have been using JLink for developement over SAML22 and STM32 platforms since quite long. Since this morning, the JLink is not getting recongnized by my PC. I tried changing the USB cable, tried moving it to different USB ports (front and back) Tried restarting PC, restarting applications and what not. I even tried it on a different Windows 10 x64 PC with no luck. The LED flashes green in a fast manner which I guess means that it is currently 'enumerating…

  • Thanks for your response! I tried with the latest JFlash software, but wasn't able to get rid of the issue. It still threw the "Selected Data (0x8000000 - 0x8007823) does not fit into selected flash sectors." error even after I ensured that the flash memory sectors being displayed in the Project Settings were same as the image which you had sent. However, later I was able to to make it work by choosing 'Production Programming' instead of 'Manual Programming'. This struck me that the memory shoul…

  • Whenever I try to program my device STM32F103RG with J-Link Plus & J-Flash, it throws the following error: Selected Data (0x8000000 - 0x8007823) does not fit into selected flash sectors. However, I'm able to program the same data file with ST's own programming utility STM32CubeProgrammer & ST-Link connection. The base address 0x8000000 is correct as it is getting selected as default in CubeProgrammer as well. Attached image shows my project settings. Are there any additional settings I should lo…