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  • The downloaded file passed the MD5-checksum test so I suppose that there went something wrong during the installation. What I've done today was at first to install JLink-6.54 while SystemView, JLinkRTTViewer and Eclipse (SW4STM32) was still open. During the installation I got an error message due to the fact that something can not be done, I can't remember exactly what it was but I suppose something that has to do with a running RTT-Viewer or Eclipse. So I've closed all applications that have to…

  • Few minutes ago I installed the new J-Link Software 6.54. After rebooting Win-Dos I got the following error: Target DLL C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink\JLinkARM.dll not found. After I've checked this out I can confirm that this file did not exist. Is there a file missing in the update package? In the older directory C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V648b there's a JLinkARM.dll (14 MB). I've also compared both directories and found out that there's also no - JLinkRTTViewer.exe - msvcp100.d…

  • Hi CharlesDias, That was the solution for my problem also! Good job! I wrote you a personal message with the question if your fix is final or did you experienced any issues with it. And I rode your answer about this (nothing added so far). I suppose there's an incompatibility issue between Segger's SystemView and FreeRTOS 10.2.1 of something inside FreeRTOS that (in specific circumstances?) the variable ulCurrentInterrupt will not be set to it's correct value. The call to the added function void…

  • Hi there, Since several days I'm trying to get SystemView running but it always ends up in a configASSERT() = endless loop. I suppose that this issue has to do with interrupts or a misconfigured NVIC. So far I've checked the SystemView documentation "System View User Guide" (UM08027) and compared what's written on page 54 with my config which seems to be "equal". Prior trying out SystemView I've checked out RTT which is running. As background information I want let you know that I'm working at a…