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Hi Nino, I have found another bug. JFlash (maybe JLink as well) uses the loader incorrectly. The BlankCheck function which should be a READ operation is preceded by an Init() with argument Func=1 (i.e. Erase), either the documentation is wrong or this is a bug (Func should be 3). This was tested on Windows 10 with JFlash V6.46c by pressing F2. Best regards, Daniel ps: UnInit is also called with Func=1
Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “What exactly do you mean with section size? Size of the RAMCode? Or section size of the Flash chip? ” I mean in the FlashDevice config struct: C Source Code (9 lines) Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “Could you elaborate what you would need interrupts for? To our knowledge the L5 series do not need interrupts for operating the Flash controller. ” No it does not need, but I was adapting existing ST HAL code which depends on having a Systick available for the timeout function. …