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  • SEGGER - Nino Edit: Hi graffiti. This post was moved into a new thread. See here. SystemView STM32H7 Post Mortem Please use the other thread for your inquiry.

  • not sure if it is related, but using SystemView 3.10 on Windows with an STM32H7 via jlink ultra+ (v6.62a), I can do a live capture but in post-mortem mode nothing happens when I click Target->Read Recorded Data. The systemview sources in the project match the systemview app version, and SEGGER_SYSVIEW_POST_MORTEM_MODE is defined as 1. SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Start() is called once the freertos scheduler has started. The Target->Read Recorded Data option doesn't seem to do anything at all. There is nothin…

  • Hello, I would like to use STLPort within a library project in SES. I have installed the STLPort package, but the option Code->Libraries does not appear for a library project. I have tried adding the include path to STLPort, which allows the headers to be found, but then get compile errors because of missing STLPort configuration. How can STLPort be used within a library project? Thanks, Kieran.