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  • Hi Nino, Thanks again for looking into this. My results were having the JTAG interface speed set to 30MHz (our STM32 CPU only supports max 32.5MHz) But Windows also seems to work at lower speeds without problems -- only Linux is having the constant overflows problem, even at the maximum speed we can use.

  • Hi Nino, Thanks for your help here. I have resolved the issue by just starting with a fresh branch and just following the steps from scratch (instead of continuing on the existing branch where we had tried RTT). Everything seems to be working now -- using the RTT directly, as well the FreeRTOS integration. I'll note that with the FreeRTOS integration not all of our tasks / ISRs are reporting, only our main task + SysTick interrupt is recorded. As well, we noticed many buffer overruns on Linux (e…

  • Issue description: Nearly identical to (I checked based on the suggestion in that thread -- my application is still running, so I think the root issue must be something else) Hardware: STM32F745VG processor, j-link Ultra+ PC: Linux, rt-preempt kernel, Lubuntu When I use SystemView after applying the FreeRTOS v10 patch, then if I call `SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf` only, it seems the RTT is detected (and/or I can manually enter the address from …