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  • Hello. I have an interesting problem to solve. We have a product where we need so much RAM and Flash that there's simply no MCU that covers our needs, so we picked an STM32F750 and added an external QSPI-Flash (128 MB) and external SDRAM (16 MB). The plan is to use the internal flash (64 kB) for a simple boot loader that initializes QSPI and SDRAM and then copies the program from a segment of the Flash to SDRAM and jumps to the start address. No rocket science, I've already done a proof of conce…

  • Hello, Sorry for late response but I've found the time to dig a bit deeper into this and it seems that the MCUXpresso does a lot of setup of the RT1052 before actually start to run anything on the MCU. It can be found in the file workspace/.mcuxpressoide_packages_support/MIMXRT1052xxxxB_support/Script/evkbimxrt1050_sdram_init.jlinkscript in the MCUXpresso project but apparently the syntax is not accepted as is by Ozone. The first obstacles are the instructions MEM_ReadU32 and MEM_WriteU32, but I…

  • Hello, I'm working with an NXP i.MX RT1052 MCU and have working debugging in NXP MCUXpresso IDE v10.3.1_2233 with JLink_V645b and a newly bought J-Link PRO (firmware is updated). Works very reliable but Eclipse (which is the base for MCUXpresso) is a bit of a beast and not as nice as Ozone for debugging, so now when I'm chasing a specially annoying bug I decided to switch over to Ozone V2.62, but it just refuses to work. In MCUXPresso the Debugger settings are: Device: MCIMXRT1052 Target interfa…