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  • I am learning FreeRTOS and SystemView. I have a very simple project with two tasks, both with the same priority. My SysTick period is 1ms. Every 1ms I see a SysTick event followed by a Scheduler event. My two tasks transmit a few bytes out a UART and then call taskYield. What I see on SystemView are sequences like this.... Scenario 1 SysTick, Scheduler, Task1, SysTick, Scheduler, Task2, SysTick, Scheduler and I often see this.... Scenario 2 SysTick, Scheduler, Task1, Task2, SysTick, Scheduler He…

  • Also, how do I apply a .patch file? There was a menu option to do that in Eclipse. Can I apply the patch in SES? I've checked the v416 manual but the patch command there seems to modify the .elf and I'm pretty sure that is not what I want. I did it by copying the files from my Eclipse project after I had it apply the patch. I don't want to have to use Eclipse in the future.

  • Nino I am embarrassed that I caused this problem. I copied the files from a working Eclipse project. The include was in the proper place there. I have no idea when I commented it out. I floundered around a lot trying to get the SystemView code integrated into my SES project. I must have commented it out during that process. One suggestion, you might modify the SystemView manual to make it clear that SEGGER_RTT.c, SEGGER_RTT.h, and SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h should not be copied into an SES project becaus…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “1: The same works in ES but also even better as we have a virtual folder structure so you can have any folder tree in your project that you want independent of your harddrive structure. But you can mimic this as well. You can add whole folders by simply drag and dropping them into your project explorer and if you have set up a dynamic virtual folder it will even update automatically if you drop in new sources with your file manager. More information about this can be f…

  • I am creating a project using FreeRTOS. I first created the project using SW4STM32 (ac6). I followed the procedure in the SystemView manual to add SystemView code to my project. My project built and SystemView worked. However I desire to use SES rather than ac6 so I am porting the project over to SES. The project builds but there are 51 warnings including implicit declaration of function 'SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] implicit declaration of function 'SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Star…

  • Nino, Here are some of the IDE features I miss from Eclipse: 1. Cannot setup project folder structure using my file manager (Finder in my case). In Eclipse I can use Finder to copy folders and files into the project and then command Eclipse to Refresh. Eclipse then sees the added folders and files. This makes it very easy to add, especially with nested folders. In SES I had to add each folder separately. 2. Cannot collapse / expand parts of the program - functions, loops, etc 3. Cannot split a s…

  • Thank you Nino for your helpful reply. I've ported my project from AC6 into SES. I've found that SES lacks several features I've grown accustomed to in Eclipse, but I still really like it. I especially like that I can use your Embedded Studio Pro tools for my private projects. Outstanding. Accordingly, I've ordered a J-Link probe. I can't wait for it to arrive. One last question, how do you compare debugging in SES vs Ozone?

  • I'm taking a Udemy course on using SystemView to debug FreeRTOS programs. Thank you for making a free version of SystemView for educational use! It is an awesome program! I hope one day to be able to order the commercial versions of your software. I first modified my STM32F446RE-Nucleo board using your ST-Link Reflash Utility. Thank you for that also! It took several tries but once it worked, I was able to examine my project using SystemView. What an awesome tool! Now I want to continue the cour…