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  • I finally identified the source of the problem: The padding of structs was set to 1 and should have been 4. Adding #pragma pack(4) to the top of RTOS.h fixed the problem.

  • I am having some problems getting EmbOS to run on an AT91SAM9x25 evaluation board. When using the debug version of the OS I keep getting OS error "OS_ERR_INV_TASK" straight away. I can tell that the 'id' field in the task structure is set to 0 which I believe is the direct cause of the error. The value 0 is written to the id field by the CreateTask function. If I initialize the task struct with a different value it will be overwritten by CreateTask. My question is: what might cause this and what…

  • OS Locks

    pbs - - emFile related


    Dear Segger, The OS interface of embFile requires me to provide an implementation of several functions for providing lock synchronization. In my setup the function FS_X_OS_Init(unsigned NumLocks) is always called with NumLocks = 0. Changing the value of FS_OS_LOCKING does not have any effect on this. Also, the comments associated with the function states that "FS_NUM_LOCKS" number of binary semaphores/mutexes should be initialized and reserved for embFile. The symbol "FS_NUM_LOCKS", however, is …