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  • Thank you very much for your response. I don't think that could be a hardware error, because other example applications works fine writing pixel correctly from position/pixel 0. I try to contact ST... Best Regards, Massimo Badanai

  • I'm using the evaluation board STM32H745I-DISCO and I'm trying the example project "STemWin_HelloWorld" that ST put in the STM32 Cube, . When I call GUI_DispStringAt ("hello",0,0) I see that the string is not displayed from X = 0 position, but from an X offset of some pixels. Also the "STemWin_SampleDemo" example project have all the windows that start from an offset from the left of display. What could be the problem? Thanking in advance, Massimo Badanai

  • I had the same problem with an STM32F417 micro, and the STM32 Unlock procedure did not work. I solved it by discharging the extrnal battery coin attached to RTC peripheral. After this, the unlock procedure work, and i can use the jlink to dowload the firmware.