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  • Can´t use SPLINE functions

    ilvlanik - - emWin related


    1. How can i identify the exact version of the "STemWIN_CM4_OS_wc32_ot_ARGB.a"? If you've got STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.2 then you'll find emWIN's version in Middlewares\ST\STemWin\inc\GUI_Version.h For 1.24 GUI_VERSION is 54401. So looks like the version is not a problem, it's just GUI_SPLINE.o is missing from STM's library. I've also checked F7 version and it is missing too. To check library content run "ar t STemWIN_CM4_OS_wc32_ot_ARGB.a" 2. Is there a way to solve this issue You might try differ…

  • Hi there, WM_IsCompletelyVisible for a window always returns 1/true even when the window obviously not fully visible, half of the window is obscured by other sibling window. Tried to use WM_HBKWIN as a common parent to all windows. Also tried creating "root" window that covers whole screen and is parent for all others. No luck in either case. Would appreciate any suggestions on what might be happening. Many thanks.

  • GIF drawing performance

    ilvlanik - - emWin related


    Thanks heaps, that's great. Based on your sample I could get decent performance. And when using RGB enconded jpegs instead of YCrCb the performance is even better - full hd 1280x720 EMF videos at 20 frames per second on stm32f7. This using 16bits per pixel and requiring 10MB of storage per 5 seconds, but that's fine for our requirements. Thanks once again.

  • GIF drawing performance

    ilvlanik - - emWin related


    Hi everyone, Got a small animated GIF 240x180 at 30fps played by IMAGE widget via IMAGE_SetGIF. The cpu usage turns out a bit higher than expected: 20-80% on stm32f769 with 800x480 screen (the Disco board). What would be the best way to use stm32f7's dma2d accelerator for GIF drawing in emWIN, because at the moment in my setup there's no GIF specific help from the hardware. Also, is there a better way/format for short videos/animations to be played by emWIN? Would EMF playing be more efficient? …

  • Hi there, When using LIN_OSY_16 rotated driver it seems that custom 1bpp bitmap drawing routine is not being used. Instead "default" _DrawBitmap/_DrawBitLine1BPP_Swap get called. I've got GUI_SUPPORT_ROTATION set to 1, but GUI_pLCD_APIList pointer remains set to 0. What's the best/proper way to set custom drawing functions for rotated drivers? Many thanks!