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  • STemWin DMA use for rotated screen

    MarcA - - emWin related


    Hi Sven, The LCD controller we use (ST7789V) supports rotation. Do you think it could be enough to have a 320*240 px in MCU memory then send data bytes to the controller with DMA ? Not using at all SetOrientation, only setting LCD controller rotation with commands. I suppose you may not be familiar with the LCD controller we use but this may be a classic application case. Regards, Marc

  • STemWin DMA use for rotated screen

    MarcA - - emWin related


    Hi, We are working with STM32F4 MCU and Sitronix ST7789V driver for a TFT display (of 240*320 px). We plan to use STemWin to make the GUI and we need to rotate the display by 90° (from 240*320 to 320*240). As we have other tasks done by the MCU, we want to use the DMA to copy the frame from the MCU to the screen RAM. However, as the screen is rotated, we don't want the DMA to increment 240 by 240 to copy the pixels but to increment one by one. So our question is : does the STemwin library allow …