case WM_PAINT: hMem00_Face = GUI_MEMDEV_Create(141, 15, 76, 76); GUI_MEMDEV_Select(hMem00_Face); GUI_SetColor(GUI_WHITE); GUI_SetPenSize(16); GUI_AA_DrawRoundedRect(149, 23, 209, 83, 30); GUI_MEMDEV_Select(0); break; The hMem00_Face is a global var, I count it will be broken 21 times if I set a break point at the "GUI_MEMDEV_Create" line. My code is compliled with no Optimzation Level 0. The code as it, the result is right. But I use the code below, the result is error, acted as no any effect. c…
I set a break point at WM_PAINT, and the point will be broken several times at the first. After the first period, the point never be broken. So it means if a window be create, the WM_PAINT will be sent many times during the "create process"?
fresh man alway have much question. A window has been created. 1. If the text of a text label of the window changed, wether a WM_PAINT message will be sent automatically? 2. the message "WM_POST_PAINT", is "Send to a window after the last WM_PAINT message is sent", for user's code should be code in WM_POST_PAINT or WM_PRE_PAINT instead of WM_PAINT? My english is so good. thanks.
Thank you very much. My final purpose is draw a circle before a window, the background color of the window will change. My old way is when the background changed, I redraw the circle. the problem of this way is the circle will flicker.
I’m beginner of emwin,always use simply way coding. I have created a windows, then created a memory device for display a circle before the windows. But the memory device displayed between the windows and desktop. How I set the memory device displayed foreground?