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  • Hello i have a very simple application on STM32f429 DISCO : alternatively display dialog box1 / dialog box 2 After a few second the blinking of the dialog box is very slow. What can happen the make the system slow down ? 1) Each dialog box has a 200ms timer that calls the other dialog box : case WM_TIMER: CreateFramewin_DLG_Startup(); case WM_TIMER: CreateFramewin_DLG_Status_menu(); 2) GUI_ALLOC_GetNumFreeBytes() returns 102948 free bytes 3) each dialog box prints bitmaps : case WM_INIT_DIALOG: …

  • Hello can a layer be filled with GUI_CreateDialogBox function and then shown (and another layer not shown also filled with GUI_CreateDialogBox) and then switch to this second layer ? thanks for any support best regards

  • Hello thank you for your reply, but i don't know how to implemente such function Hide/show i use GUI_CreateDialogBox to show the several dialog box : WM_HWIN CreateFramewin_DLG_Status_menu(void) { WM_HWIN hWin; hWin = GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDialogCreate, GUI_COUNTOF(_aDialogCreate), _cbDialog, WM_HBKWIN, 0, 0); return hWin; } i tried to do DLG_Status_win_handle = CreateFramewin_DLG_Status_menu(); DLG_Load_win_handle = CreateFramewin_DLG_Load_menu(); WM_HideWindow(DLG_Status_win_handle); WM_HideWi…

  • Hello i have developped an application that shows PNG file in dialog boxes on the STM32F429 DISCO board. I switch between the dialog boxes on button press detection. I have noticed that the change of display is very slow (2s after a press on button). It seems when analysing the problem by setting led, that time is spent between button detection and (GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx) and the callback call with WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED. Here is how i realize the switch : case ID_BUTTON_LOAD: // Notifications…

  • Hello, i want to display a png file on STM32F429 DISCO board, but i have no enougth memory in internal RAL. So i want to use the external 64-Mbit SDRAM for that. It seems that i have to change the .ld file and refer to it in conf file. What is the value to put in .ld file ? Have you an example for that ? Hoping for help Thanks

  • Hello, i added the truetype folder to my stm32f429i_disco project. But when i call GUI_TTF_CreateFontAA i jump directly to the HardFault_Handler. The code runs well in simulator. In the main i have : =============== GUI_Init(); GUI_Initialized = 1; /* Initialize RTC and Backup */ RTC_Init(); /* Activate the use of memory device feature */ WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV); /* Do the calibration if needed */ CALIBRATION_Check(); Then i enter the mainTask ===================== void MainTask(void) { …

  • Hello, thank you for your reply. In the project there is a call to GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory(aMemory, GUI_NUMBYTES); with GUI_NUMBYTES = (1024) * 140; This memory is allocated for general use of emWin ? That is to say that if i want to use a 13*13 PNG file i have to allocate 14*13*4 + 54Kbytes = 56Kbytes ; so i must define GUI_NUMBYTES = (1024) * (140+56) ? Thanks in advance best regards

  • Hello i try to use GUI_PNG_Draw, to print an image on STM32F429 EVAL platform, but the image doesn't appears. What could be the problem ? (it runs well in simulator and it runs well for *.bmp file but fails for *.jpeg also) thanks for any support

  • Hello, i want to make a font management in my emWIN project (running well in visual studio simulator). But the GUI_TTF_CreateFontAA function fails at the linking of the project with the error: undefined reference to `GUI_TTF_CreateFontAA' How can i solve this problem ? thanks best regards

  • Hello, I am looking for documentation (app note, tutorial, ...) to know how to integrate an emWin project running into visual Studio into an embedded ST project (running on a ST based plateform) Thanks Best regards


    trial - - emWin related


    Thank you very much for this example witch is very clear !


    trial - - emWin related


    thank you for your reply i can't find the attached file


    trial - - emWin related


    Hello i have an IMAGE widget containing a PNG file. I want to have this image with transparency and make it blink (sometimes we see the balckground trough this image, and sometime we only see the baclground) 1) I created the image in the frame with : { IMAGE_CreateIndirect, "DLC_not_active", ID_IMAGE_DLC_NO_ACTIVE_3, 13, 9, 241, 174, WM_CF_SHOW, IMAGE_CF_MEMDEV | IMAGE_CF_ALPHA, 0 }, 2) i set png file to this widget : case WM_INIT_DIALOG: hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, ID_IMAGE_DLC_NO_ACTIVE_3);…

  • Hello i try to run the MULTILAYER_AlphaChromaMove.c example in the simulator; but i can only see the bird picture and not the rectangle with all colors : have you any idea about that ? Thanks best regards

  • Hello i want to put a png or jpg image with transparency on a frame (the backgroung of the frame can be seen through the png file) i tried the call to GUI_PNG_Draw after CreateFramewin call, but i can't see the picture GUI_PNG_Draw(pFileData, FileSize, xPos, yPos) alone works well; how can i add this png file on my frame with alpha bending ? thanks Best regards

  • Hello i use GUIBuilder V5.40a, if i design several display, each time i save my display it overwrite the FramewinDLG.c file. Can we generate other file name (one for each display, as we can load with file Open, we should be able to do file save as ...and enter file name, or save it as the same name as the file opened) best regards thanks

  • Hello i use GUIBuilder V5.40; when i save the file, it erase the code between the tags // USER START and // USER END How can i avoid this ? thanks best regards