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  • Hi, We are using multiedit as a text editor to read long files. When saving the data back to the file I have to first copy the text data using MULTIEDIT_GetText which wastes memory and a lot of time if the file is big then I dont have enough memory to copy this data to another variable. Would like to see how I can use a pointer to directly access this data and save it without using MULTIEDIT_GetText. thanks

  • treeview click issue

    JAT-MAN - - emWin related


    Got the issue fixed at last. The issue was that TimeMS++; was not being called in the tick, so just added that to the tick interrupt and all started working good. Thank you Schoenen for all the help

  • TREEVIEW - not selecting

    JAT-MAN - - emWin related


    Hi Sven, I am using emWin 5.22 The below code from emUSB is used to pass the button state: Mouse_State.Pressed = HidEvent.Data.Mouse.ButtonState; GUI_MOUSE_StoreState(&Mouse_State); Please note that everywhere in GUI all mouse clicks are working good, all widgets are working good, its just the issue with treeview click. If I click a folder +/- sign then that works, if I click the name of the folder then the folder also expands and retracts, its just when I click any file that it highlights the f…

  • emWin TreeView mouse click issue

    JAT-MAN - - emWin related


    I am having the same issue. Everything works fine when doing with keyboard keys, can select files and open folders. With mouse I can open/close folders but as soon as i click a file it gets selected but after that I can't select any other file. I can still open and close folder though. Also after this it stops to respond from keyboard keys all together. PLEASE HELP!!!!