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  • Trying to build a .hex and .elf for debugging a nordic project. The elf will not build due to the error "can't find reset_handler The nordic gcc_startup_nrf52.S emits the symbol Reset_Handler but not the symbol reset_handler. I can not find in the ses manual or in the IDE tool where to change what the IDE is looking for. Please send help. Thanks

  • No that does not fix it: I am using version 3.34 Also it does not save it

  • when using the editor pane to search/edit the .emProject file the editors slide bar maxes out at the column max instead of the current line max column. The include directory line in this file is over 1280 columns so I can not see most of the include directories - therefore it forces the user to search for each directory. If I put the cursor on a line the editor should be smart enough to slide to the end of current line

  • SES states that it imports the Keil include directories, but fails to find them. include list in project.emProject ../../../../../nRF5_SDK_14_A/components/softdevice/s140/headers It can not find ble.h It seems that SES can not find header files whether they are put in with back or forward slashes.

  • I added an include directory in the Edit Options->Code->Preprocessor->User Include Directories -I ..\..\..\..\..\nRF5_SDK_14_A\components\libraries\fifo try the build again with the same failure. Looked in the project.emProject file and noticed that the include file was added the wrong way: -I ..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\nRF5_SDK_14_A\\components\\libraries\\fifo; remove the extra back slashes and it builds! -I ..\..\..\..\..\nRF5_SDK_14_A\components\libraries\fifo Then when I use Edit Options again it …