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  • When trying to run JLinkGDBServerCLExe on Linux I run into an issue when connecting with GDB. I've started the server with the following arguments: JLinkGDBServerCLExe -device mcimx6g2 -speed 20000 However when I try to connect with gdb, I get the following error: (gdb) target remote :2331 Remote debugging using :2331 warning: while parsing target description: XML declaration not well-formed warning: Could not load XML target description; ignoring Remote 'g' packet reply is too long (expected 16…

  • Hello. I'm wondering if continuous recording is supported on the i.MX 6S platlform. The variant we are using is the MCIMX6S7. The manual says that the support status should be listed in the supported devices page, but I cannot find that information there. We've tried to get it to work, but without luck, so I want to know if it's even possible before spending more time on it. Note that we have the RTT buffers and control block in strongly ordered memory, but SystemView still fails with 'Cannot fi…

  • Hello, and thank you for your reply. Quote: “ Does the issue persist when using only internal RAM?” We have only tried software in external RAM, so I do not know. I will see if I can create a small binary and test in internal RAM. Quote: “When do you do the init and when do you do the reset? If you first init then reset, all registers will be restored to default values. To make sure this does not happen use the script file function AfterResetTarget() described in the J-Link user manual and add t…

  • Hello. We are currently using version 6.22d and running on Linux. Our hardware is custom, but we had the issue with VAR-SOM-SOLO from Variscite as well, although the symptoms were somewhat different. I've linked to a log file with the device set as MCIMX6S7. I find it strange that it is able to upload the binary, but then fails to read from the same addresses right after that. It terminates with a SIGTRAP on the load address right after running 'continue' in GDB.…N…

  • We're using JLink PRO and JLinkGDBServer on Linux to connect to our IMX6 (MCIMX6S7 CPU), however when uploading code to RAM it locks up trying to run it with a SIGTRAP on the load address. It needs a power cycle before JLink can connect to it again. The error message on failure to connect reads: Source Code (2 lines) The JLinkGDBServer is started with the following parameters: Source Code (1 line) We connect with GDB use a script to setup the DRAM timings and IOMUX pad settings, in addition we r…