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  • Hi, Thanks, it works! But it still has a problem: it cannot get how many ticks the interrupt runs, which means even if I ran the interrupt for several seconds, it shows only one cycle. I cannot find SEGGER_SYSVIEW_X_GetTimestamp() function called in SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RecordEnterISR(); and SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RecordExitISR();. Do I need to manually do something in the interrupt? Thanks for help!

  • Hi, I get the same problem, I am using STM32F091RC nucleo board, and as interrupt ID is not detected so interrupt handler is recognized as an idle state. I tried the __asm volatile ("mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" (Id) ); solution mentioned above, but get a compilation error: missing ")" character. I am using Keil5 with default compilation settings. Could you please tell me how you solved this problem? Thanks!