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  • thx for your support. I'll ask ST (that#s my vendor ) for an update

  • hey, all images are pngs originally. They were all converted using the segger tool BmpCvtST.exe The exported files are c files. All Images are displayed using GUI_DrawBitmap() (Just out of curiosity i replaced the emwin 5.40 Version (library (os + gcc) and header files) with the old V5.32 files (library + header). And voila everything working fine. Everything else stayed the same. GuiConf.c/h and LCDConf.c/h have not been touched. Therefore it must have something to do with internal changed from…

  • hey, unfortunately th esolution is not perfect. all my bmps are missing their red color part. I tried regenerating the bmps with emwin bitmap converter with 1. High color 565 2. High color 565 read and blue swapped but both output images look the same (no red parts in either of them). Once i go back to GUICC_565 both images (swapped and normal) still kook the same but both of them have their red parts. SO do i have to change the driver setting anywhere else?

  • Hey, i succesffully create a page selection using a dropdown. However one page contains a button. Once i navigate to the button page the button will stay on top of the (expanded) dropdown. If i understood the manual correctly all wigets are derived WM objects. Therefore i tried Source Code (5 lines)Unfortunately this does not work. Does anybody have a hint for me on how to get this to work? thx

  • hey, i'm currently using 5.40. the old one was 5.32. I was just curous if there has bee any change. But thx for your help.

  • hey thx, that did solve the problem i did replace GUICC_565 with GUICC_M565. I went back in my version control and i can defiantly confirm now that the change was introduced when i updated the emwin versions. However the actual driver and configuration files stayed the same. There must have been some internal changed in the emin lib. I replaced the GUICC_565 within the LCD_X_Config() Source Code (28 lines)is there any other place i'll have to change?

  • Hey, i'm facing a strange problem. I recently noticed that all blue texts are displayed in red and all red texts are displayed in blue. Looks like emwin swaps the red and blue color part My current emwin version is 5.40. I went back to some old version with emwin 5.32 and the texts are displayed correct. Now my actual driver to communicate with the lcd has not undergone any changes. I was wondering if there have been some emwin internal changes? Thats my current code (tested with emwin 5.32 and …

  • Just to clarify. You simply replaced the Stemwin library file (aka the libStemWin****.a file) from the Stm32F7 Cube Package with the library file from the STM32F4 Cube package? The code is the same? You MUST NOT use GUI_DELAY() with an RTOS. i'm not sure what exactly GUI_DELAY internally does, but it is always better to use the RTOS own task delay functions, i.e. osDelay (delay in ms) or vTaskDelay(delay in ticks). I once made the bad fault to use HAL_DELAY() in a freertos project, the scheduler…

  • why are you getting a task exit error? Are you using an RTOS? If so could you check if a task accidentally breaks out of his loop. For me i took the code posted above and it works really nicely. I did not make any big adjustments The only adjustment i made was: since i'm using an RTOS i canot use GUI_DELAY(). I had to use the RTOS own delay function in combination with GUI_EXEC(); Both (GUI_EXEC() and the delay function are called in a separate task

  • hey, thx for the info ST uses #define GUI_VERSION 53202 =>V5.32. Seems like a rather old version

  • hey big thx for your great help. I have been working with your solution this weekend and it works very well. Based on your solution i was able to implement my own menu. I couldn't figure out, what emWin Version ST is using, but it didn't support GUI_PID_SetHook(), but GUI_PID__SetHook() works fine as well

  • Hey, i'd like to create a dropdown. SO i used the GUI Builder to create the skeleton code. My idea is: when the user presses the dropdown the list is supposed to expand, when the user presses somewhere outside the dropdown, the list should collapse. Now i'm only receiving WM_NOTIFICATION_LOST_FOCUS events in my callback routine. The Event WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED never occurs. Does anybody know why? C Source Code (197 lines) my display thread looks like this Source Code (29 lines) The GUI_TOUCH_S…

  • New To STemWin

    JuliusCaesar - - emWin related


    hey, just did some testing. Setting the layer to 0 seems to do the trick for me. Now i'm receiving touch notifications

  • New To STemWin

    JuliusCaesar - - emWin related


    Hey guys, I'm new to emWin as well. I am using a STM32 MCU and tried the 2 code snippets above. However the touch is not working The button is properly displayed however there is no reaction when i'm touching the button. I'm displaying the current touched coordinates in one corner of the screen, therefore i can see that my touch driver is working. SO the problem must be somewhere in my emwin routine Source Code (48 lines) as recommended this function is running in a separate task with gets calle…