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  • I certainly understand that in general it's preferred that file paths don't include spaces or special characters. In this case it's caused by Segger's choice to include spaces in path locations. So it seems there's two problems: 1. Segger's tools are installed at paths that includes spaces. Not ideal. /Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM 3.34a ~/Library/SEGGER/SEGGER Embedded Studio 2. Segger's emBuild tool doesn't escape spaces and special characters in include paths. A fix for #2 would…

  • Hey Segger support and community, I'm trying to use emBuild to automate builds for a Nordic nRF52 project (SDK 15.0.0). The build fails due to white space in included file paths. Here's the environment I'm using: - MacOS 10.13.6 - Segger Embedded Studio for Arm 3.34a - SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM emBuild - Release 3.34a I successfully compile the project when using Segger Embedded studio. The build commands that it produces starts as follows, wrapping paths and options in quotes: "/Applicatio…