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  • Thanks a lot for your reply! The issue was from ili9341 part. ILI9341 0x36 register configures screen orientation (mirror x, mirror y, swapxy etc). If i change setting in ili9341 registers screen orientation changes accordingly. I have done the calibration part correctly finding the min and max x, y values. If i change orientation from emwin with GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation() with parameter GUI_MIRROR_Y or GUI_MIRROR_X etc nothing happens. Why is that?

  • any suggestion or help plz?

  • Hi there, I am trying to get the touch screen to work following emwin manual: Quote: “Implementing the hardware routines The first step of implementing a touch screen should be filling the hardware routines with code. These routines are: GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX(), GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY() GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX(), GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY() ” I have made the hardware implementations of the above routines and when i call them directly i can print on screen the x and y values of the touch. However i never …

  • FreeRTOS and emwin

    disideris - - emWin related


    Also as emwin manual suggests, i tried to make some regural GUI_Exec() calls but no difference. Display keeps crashing!

  • FreeRTOS and emwin

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi there, I have a custom pcb with an LPC4367 onboard and im using a DisplayTech DTO24CTFT 240x320 display with ILI9341 controller. With the help found in this forum i managed to have it working using RGB interface. So far my tests were made in a single task environment and everything has worked fine. I tried to port my implementation in a FreeRTOS environment but some issues occur. Quoting from emwin manual v5.38: Quote: “ Single task system (superloop) The entire program runs in one superloop.…

  • It works! Thanks a lot for your help and suggestions. The files that i posted above are working. The issue was a misconfiguration in sdram and it was not working at all in the emwin project. FYI both GUIDRV_LIN_32 and GUIDRV_LIN_16 work. GUIDRV_LIN_32 dispays larger text though.

  • Btw this is the external sdram i use

  • Quote: “Is the RAM, where the GUI memory is placed in, 8, 16 and 32 bit wise accessible? ” Lpc4367 has an external memory controller (EMC) that is used as interface with the external sdram. Sdram is 16-bit addressable in physical terms. EMC on top of this can handle memory as we want to. I can write 32bit values with no problem to memory. I am not sure what 32bit accessible means though.

  • Already tried ur suggestions but hard fault goes on. HardFault_Handler() at cr_startup_lpc43xx.c:452 0x1a0001fc <signal handler called>() at 0xfffffff9 _Alloc() at 0x1a002eda _EnlargeBlocks() at 0x1a002c2e _InitOnce() at 0x1a002cee GUI_ALLOC_GetFixedBlock() at 0x1a002d0a GUI_DEVICE_Create() at 0x1a002166 GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink() at 0x1a002254 LCD_X_Config() at LCDConf.c:364 0x1a00068c GUI__Config() at 0x1a002368

  • Hi i followed your suggestion and HardFault exception occurs. Here is the trace bottom up. HardFault_Handler() at cr_startup_lpc43xx.c:452 0x1a0001fc <signal handler called>() at 0xfffffff9 _RemoveHoles() at 0x1a002a76 GUI_ALLOC_GetFixedBlock() at 0x1a002d06 GUI_DEVICE_Create() at 0x1a00210a GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink() at 0x1a0021f8 LCD_X_Config() at LCDConf.c:469 0x1a000700 GUI__Config() at 0x1a00230c GUI_Init() at 0x1a00232e main() at main.c:116 0x1a000e40 Is there any sample GuiConf file? Belo…

  • Hi, Thanks a lot for the reply. Quote: “you should you use the GUIDRV_Lin driver ” So i have to use GUIDRV_Lin for driving LPC onbard controller and not GUIDRV_FlexColor for driving ILI9341? Quote: “ Also there must be a framebuffer somewhere the on board LCD controller has access to ” This is working Quote: “In the function _InitiControler() you initialize the controller and any other display related HW. ” This is the part that might confuse me. InitController must initialize the Lpc onboard lc…

  • ILI9341, RGB INTERFACE and emwin

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi there, From the help i found in this forum i managed to port emwin to my custom pcb with a tft screen with ST7735 controller. The interface i used was SPI. Thanks a lot. I need some more help. I am now finalizing the functionality of my custom pcb. I use an LPC4367 microcontroller and a TFT 320x240 with an ILI9341 controller. Pcb has an external sdram of 64mbyte. All components are working. TFT without emwin is working. The interface that i am using is RGB interface. LPC4367 has its own lcd c…

  • emWin - Some basic help

    disideris - - emWin related


    I have figured it out and now it is working! Thanks a lot for the help so far. I implemented also the multiple write functions pfWriteM8_A0 and pfWriteM8_A1 and now it works. I do see that some emwin functions don't work and others do. GUI_SetBkColor doesnt change the background color while GUI_DispDecAt works correctly.

  • emWin - Some basic help

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi, Thanks again for the reply. I managed to overcome the silent crash at GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink but now i have a hardfault exception somewhere inside GUI_Init. I attach my configuration files in case you can make a suggestion etc. In my main function i do board initializations, a default timer is set and only GUI_Init() and GUI_SetBkColor(GUI_RED) are called. I am trying to debug code and LCDconf and guiconf don't cause any ecxeption. After exiting GUI_X_Init function inside GUI_X.c file whic…

  • emWin - Some basic help

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi, After setting up st7735 1,8 TFT with lpc4367 dev board with flexcolor driver and spi communication I see on screen random dark color pixels. After debugging i noticed that code stucks at pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR, GUICC_M565, 0, 0); It does not throw any kind of exception but it never moves beyond that point. Any help or idea?

  • emWin - Some basic help

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi, Great. I ll follow your suggestions and try this out. FYI I have a custom board with an LPC4367 and a display module that uses ili9341. I am waiting for an external sdram to come, so i ll freeze this setup for a while. Meanwhile i ll try to fix an adafruit 1.8 TFT with ST7735 controller (internal memory 384k) interfaced with an lpc4367 dev board. I will use serial spi interface, GUIDRV_FlexColor driver and take advantage the internal display memory (384k). So to make it clear my questions ar…

  • emWin - Some basic help

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi, Thanks a lot for the previous help. I ve tried some things but hard fault exceptions occur. In my current setup i don't have an external sdram. So i am trying to fit emwin inside internal ram which is 32kb. Can i achieve that? From various examples i found out that it isn't required to set an external address. Inside LCDConf.c i don't set LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)VRAM_ADDR) and in i just set static U32 aMemory to hold emwin inside internal ram? Is this the case?

  • emWin - Some basic help

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi, Thanks again for the help. It's been really useful. Is there available any sample emwin project that is close to my needs (with rgb interface) so that i can leverage it?

  • emWin - Some basic help

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi! Thanks a lot for the reply. I am using a 16bit (5-6-5) rgb interface. So the case is that i have to configure mcu lcd controller registers AND write to ili9341 registers to achieve communication?

  • emWin - Some basic help

    disideris - - emWin related


    Hi there, I think i lack some basic understanding of how to use emwin library and the underlying driver infrastructure. It would be much appreciated if you could help me understand the big picture here. My setup: I have an NXP LPC4367 mcu mounted on a custom PCB. This mcu has an lcd controller (i am not sure which is this controller. I think it is ST7565S). I also have a 2.4'' TFT Display Module DT024CTFT which has an ILI9341 lcd controller. What i want to do: Clearly i want to interface this ex…