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  • MMC_SPI - Reads but won't write

    Dave_A - - emFile related


    [SOLVED] but I can't explain it... very well. The code I used to send multi bytes of data to the MMC/SD card: Source Code (14 lines) Looks reasonable, right? Except, remember that the data register is a 16-bits in the STM32F303 (and others). When I change the code to this: Source Code (2 lines) Everything works great. The call to function only reads 8-bits from the register and not 16 like I originally had. Again, it works but I can't really explain why reading the "throw away" data differently …

  • MMC_SPI - Reads but won't write

    Dave_A - - emFile related


    I didn't think to check this yesterday, but I did today. The volume is mounted read/write.... so that's not it.

  • ~dde Without knowing which development IDE you are using, it's hard to give specific help. Here is a general thought... Is it possible to edit your linker configuration file and tell the linker that the memory range of your RTT RAM section is a "do not initialize" section? In IAR, this would entail editing the processor's .icf file and creating a memory section for just RTT usage. Hope this helps, and maybe sparks some ideas on how to preserve the RTT data. Dave

  • MMC_SPI - Reads but won't write

    Dave_A - - emFile related


    This problem really has me stumped. I'm using emFile to interface a NAND flash and SD card on my own hardware. The NAND works perfectly, no issues. The SPI MMC/SD is another issue. If my application allowed, I could probably stream a MP3 off of the SD card, but I can't seem to write to it. Yes, I have checked that the card is not write-protected. This is what emFile is reporting: FS error: MMC_SPI: _WriteSectors: Data not accepted. FS error: MMC_SPI: _WriteSectors: Data not accepted. FS error: M…