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MULTIEDIT cursor problem
kyasar5 - - emWin related
PostHi Our emWin version is 5.32. Now, the cursor is seen when I give the Focus to the widget. However, although i called EnableBlink(), It is not blinking. Thanks Regards
MULTIEDIT cursor problem
kyasar5 - - emWin related
Posthi Thanks for reply, I changed the font but nothing changed. Callback of the widget seems to be fine. Could you send us a working example ? There is no example in Emwin Samples with blinking Cursor enabled. Thanks Regards
MULTIEDIT cursor problem
kyasar5 - - emWin related
PostCan anybody help ?
MULTIEDIT cursor problem
kyasar5 - - emWin related
PostHi I could not enable the Cursor blink in MultiEdit widget. Moreover, there is no coloring support for the cursor (though exists in Edit widget). Cursor seems to be created with gray color but not blinking. Here is my MultiEdit widget creation procedure: Any help ? WM_HWIN hWin = MULTIEDIT_CreateEx(x0, y0, xSize, ySize * numLines, hParent,WM_CF_SHOW, MULTIEDIT_CF_INSERT, GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT0, maxLength, NULL); if (!hWin) { log_error("Cannot create EditBox"); return NULL; } WM_SetCallback(hWin, Gui_…
ListBox Item not shown
kyasar5 - - emWin related
PostHi EmWin users, I'm using ListBox to show menu list with OwnerDraws. In some cases, some of menuitems shall not be shown to user. I tried LISTBOX_SetItemdisabled() but it shows the item. I want to make it disappear and not to affect IncSel() and DecSel() APIs. How can it make it totally disappear ? Thanks Regards
Hi all, I want to desaturate the background window when a non-fullscreen window is created. In order to give unfocused effect for the old window to the user. Although the doc says it makes the window appear gray, I tried WM_DisableWindow() but didnt work. Can anyone help me how to do that ? thanks regards
Rounded Corner Window
kyasar5 - - emWin related
PostHi Thanks you so much for your reminding about Alpha Blending. Here is my WM_PAINT callback and I enable Alpha at the begining then disabling at the end: case WM_PAINT: GUI_SetUserAlpha(&AlphaState, MARS_GUI_ALPHA_LEVEL); // Drawing GUI_RestoreUserAlpha(&AlphaState); break; Moreover, WM_SetHasTrans() is called in WM_CREATE stage of the windom. thanks Regards
Rounded Corner Window
kyasar5 - - emWin related
PostHi, Thanks for your respond with source code. That really helped me. I used Transparent Window and in WM_PIANT I drawed Rounded Rectangle with alpha Blending.
Rounded Corner Window
kyasar5 - - emWin related
PostHi all, Rather than using predefined Dialogs in lib, I wanted to create my custom dialog with Window widgets. What I want to do is to make corners rounded . How can I do that ? thanks Regards
Hi all, I use emWin 5v28 on custome hardware based on STM32F7 with 4-line SPI interfaced r61505w LCD. I have implemented GUI_PORT_API functions (pfWrite16_A0, pfWrite16_A1, pfWriteM16_A1 etc) Although it works structurally, colors are spoiled, not correct. I realized that the reason is endianess of data given to multiple write function. Is there anyway to tell emWin lib to produce multiple data inversely? Thanks Regards
STemWin -> GUI_Init() hangs after use of a 2nd Level Bootloader on STM32F429
kyasar5 - - emWin related
PostHi, Please check CRC Clock. GUI_Init() make a mem access check by using CRC module in SoC so it must be enabled.