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  • I now have the situation where System view 2.40a seems to conenct to target and load events. But it seems to be connecting to some kind of simulated target. "embOS start project (embOS) on ST32F207ZG" This is not my target, shows SysTick Scheduler, HP Task, LP Task and Idle. I have linked to library... D:\SVN\DSE_MDx\Software\CoCPU\embOS_CortexM_IAR_V6_OBJ_V4261_OS-00732_58B82A34_161118\Start\Lib\os7m_tl__dp.a. Am I running with some kind of demo version? Is the System View lying when it says it…

  • Hi Martin, I am still seeing the issue. I can run one of your test projects that use system view OK. In our own project though this is not the case. I can also see us running through code that initialises this block. As per the attachment picture. Yet all attempt to connect to the target fail. Regards, Owain

  • Just trying to get system view working on a STM32F205. Have updated the embos from an ancient 2009 release to latest embOS_CortexM_IAR_V6_OBJ_V4261_OS-00732_58B82A34_161118. OS looks to be running seeing system ticks, trying to start logging, enter in address of RTT control block. The I see pop-up.... Failed to start recording. J-Link or target not connected. Target not running. System View module not configured. Am using system view V2.40a, my IAR version installed is 7.40.2 Be grateful for any…

  • Hi Again All, Just a question as to how to debug an SP using JLinkGDBServer or JLinkExe. Currently when I connect to my target using JLinkExe and I reset the target; I see a printf from the exisitng SPL which resides in embedded SDCard. So this "r" command has actually run the mask ROM loader, loaded SPL from SD and broke/stopped at some address; 0x00910D8. This being am address in the OCRAM Free Area somewhere within the old SPL. But I need to debug a new SPL and I really want to break at the p…

  • Hi, Since yestereday I have procured a new card with iMX processor and made up a new deug connector to connect from JLink to the Non-Standard Technexion JTag port on the EDM. I have not yet replaced SPL or U-boot. So I suspect issue was faulty HW. Regards, Owain

  • Hi, I was working successfully with both JLinkExe and JLinkGDBServer when my target had a running SPL and U-Boot. I just now replaced the SPL and the u-boot. u-boot is buggy, but console shows prints for SPL and U-Boot startup. But now when I try and connect using either JLinkExe or JLinkGDBServer it fails as in dump here. Can anyone give me some hints of how to fix and get a connection again? Kind Regards, Owain /git$ JLinkGDBServer -device MCIMX6S5 SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.10f Command Line …