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  • [SOLVED] J-Scope problems

    pkaar - - General


    It seems that the problem is produced by our IT security policy. Running J-Scope as admin solves the described problem.

  • [SOLVED] J-Scope problems

    pkaar - - General


    Dear Segger Support, I am facing problems when running J-Scope when performing a target selection. Once I try to set a target I receive a J-Link ARM error (see attachment). I confirm by clicking OK twice and see an empty device selection (see attachment). When I keep the device as "unspecified", I am able to continue. Once I try to Start sampling, I see the J-Link ARM error again, followed by lots of other different errors/warnings. Is this a known bug? Thanks in advance. Philipp…

  • Hi Johannes, thanks for the fast reply. Since this periodic update is required, the function calls in _cbSendSystemDesc(void)should be minimized to ensure real time requirements are met. Best regards, Philipp

  • Hi, I am currently evaluating SystemView for FreeRTOS. Up to now I got everything up and running. By chance I noticed, that SystemView is updating system description defined in _cbSendSystemDesc(void) approximately every 5s. I am wondering if this periodic update is required? I checked this behavior by adding the following "debug" code to _cbSendSystemDesc(void): static void _cbSendSystemDesc(void) { GPIOB_PDOR ^= GPIO_PIN(17) // // SysView application and device description // SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Se…