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  • Hi, In my menu application, the sub menu pop up in front of other menus, is there a way to specify where the sub menu's should appear?

  • Menu Widget Background color

    noufalbabu - - emWin related


    Setting background color of menu using MENU_SetBkColor() is not working in my application, is there any pre-condition to get this working ?

  • Hello, What is the best way to add/ remove few button/text/edit boxes dynamically on different part of the screen ? Is there a way to hide certain part of the screen? or having multiple screen is the only option?

  • Custom Touch Keyboard

    noufalbabu - - emWin related


    Thank You.. Appreciate your help. I'll try this and get back if i need any further help

  • Custom Touch Keyboard

    noufalbabu - - emWin related


    Looking for some help 1. In my application i want to have a keypad which will have a background image and on top of it individual button and on press i need to invoke some function and change the key color(another image with different color), What is the best way to create this application ? Is there any custom keypad example available which uses images as foreground for button and on click change the color of the button? 2. what is recommended image format( bmp or png or any other format ?) for…

  • png with LPC18xx

    noufalbabu - - emWin related


    I have issue in getting png working with my LPC1850 board in Keil platform, I tried with PNG lib emWin_V5.26 and 5.18 got compilation error "missing IMAGE_Private.h", after adding IMAGE_Private.h got it from internet, got it compiled but the display is blank

  • Custom Touch Keyboard

    noufalbabu - - emWin related


    I want to create a simple custom touch based keyboard with 0- 9(with key images) for my application, I would like know what is the best way to create keypad, use icon or any other suggestion?

  • MENU widget

    noufalbabu - - emWin related


    I'm new to emwin and currently working on LPC18xx based development platform, I'm trying to create Menu based application, I would like to know how to stay on the sub menu widget after clicking on the sub menu, Currently on click the menu widget goes away, I'm planning to have checkbox added to few sub menu item, and i would like to know, is there a way i can make the menu stay back after clicking on those checkbox