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  • Hello, to be honest, I tested the 3 different read function variants and the read function III was the only one which was working in my application. For the test I used a function where I can dump the screen content on a USB MSD with the aid of GUI_BMP_Serialize(). I took a lot of time in this issue, but I aborted the investigations after I got the correct behavior. Nevertheless this was a long time ago (2 years?) but today I took a deeper look into the ILI9341/emWin manuals and found the follow…

  • Good morning, unfortunately I can't use the inverting blink mode of the EDIT widget since I have several text colors which results in a wide mix of different unreadable colors. I always have a white cursor and a black text color (for the blinking character). But your approach pointed me to feasible solution. I change the colors in the GUIU_EditCb function as follows: C Source Code (180 lines)Thank you

  • Good morning, here we go: C Source Code (43 lines)I am on a STM32F2 and use the FMSC peripheral for the communication with the display. Have you reserved enough memory for emWin in GUIConf.c (Function GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory();)?

  • Hi, I use the ILI9341 as well and had similar problems with the read function. I use the EDIT widget with the blinking cursor functionality. Therefore emWin reads back the color for the blinking functionality. It is important that you use the correct parameters for the read function GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66709_B16(). There are several different parameters. For me I have to pass GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_III as second parameter. (s. manual) It is also important to call the GUIDRV_FlexColor…

  • Hello, I have a UI where I have several EDIT widgets to enter float values. The device I am developing can also be controlled remotely. If the remote control is active then I have to disable the EDIT widgets. When I disable the EDIT widgets the cursor remains blinking which suggests the user that entering values is possible (which is obviously not since it is disabled). I already created a user defined callback for the EDIT widgets which enables and disables the blinking cursor. This improves th…

  • Hi, try function DROPDOWN_GetListbox(). Return value: Handle of the attached LISTBOX widget in expanded state, 0 if DROPDOWN is in collapsed state. regards Thomas

  • MULTIEDIT get line count

    Thomas W. - - emWin related


    Hi Sven, that's what I am looking for. Thank you

  • MULTIEDIT get line count

    Thomas W. - - emWin related


    Hi, Is there a way to get the complete amount of lines from a multiedit widget (even if there are more lines than the multiedit can display on one page)? My first thought was that I set the cursor at the end of the text and then get the line number with MULTIEDIT_GetCursorCharPos() because the corresponding MULTIEDIT_SetCursorCharPos() function accepts the line number as well. Unfortunately MULTIEDIT_GetCursorCharPos() does not return the line number. Hope anyone can help me. regards Thomas

  • ListBox and ListView animation

    Thomas W. - - emWin related


    Hi Max, I am currently looking for a similar solution for the ICONVIEW widget and found the following post which may help you... Swipe listbox regards Thomas

  • GRAPH widget scrollbar issue

    Thomas W. - - emWin related


    Hi, I have an issue with the GRAPH widget. I want the graphs to be drawn from left to right like an oscilloscope. I can achieve this behavior by using the two functions C Source Code (1 line) and C Source Code (1 line). My virtual screen size is twice the visible screen size and the automatic horizontal scrollbar is displayed. And here comes the problem: The widget behaves correct until I stop the drawing of the graphs by selecting the "stop" checkbox and change the scrollbar position. Then the …

  • Hi there, I want to use the GRAPH widget in XY mode in order to display an MPPT curve in real time (like in the attached image). Therefore I want to indicate the maximum power point and the corresponding current value with a marker (cross or circle). I was already able to modify the example WIDGET_GraphXY.c in order to get the expected behavior with the aid of a owner draw callback function (see attached source file). Unfortunately I am not completely satisfied with my solution and therefore I h…

  • Automated GUI testing

    Thomas W. - - emWin related


    Hi, I am using the emWin GUI and looking for a way to automatically test my GUI application (for regression tests). Has anybody already tried to automatically test its GUI application? If yes, which approach? I am looking forward for any kind of help or suggestions. regards Thomas

  • Name of precompiled font

    Thomas W. - - emWin related


    Hi, can you please tell me the original name and height (e.g. Arial 22) of the font wich is used for the precompiled font GUI_Font20_1? I will need it for documentation. regards Thomas

  • Maybe a stack/heap problem? regards Thomas

  • Hi Jörg, perfect. I think this will solve my problem. When will you release the new version (approximately)? regards Thomas

  • Hi Jörg, thank you for your response. I am sure that your code is working, but it does not exactly correspond with my problem. If I call the function WM_GetFocussedWindow() when a Dropdown widget is expanded then I get the handle of the Listbox and not of the Dropdown widget. (I checked this with the aid of the callback function.) So what I need is a function or a workaround where I can get the handle of the Dropdown widget from its relative Listbox handle. Like an inverted DROPDOWN_GetListbox(h…

  • Hi, I have an issue with the DROPDOWN widget. I have a dialog window which contains a dropdown widget and other widgets. Further on, I want to display some notification messages which appear about 2 seconds on the screen after a certain event (e.g. USB MSD attached). The window which displays the notification message is created as a sibling of the dialog window which contains the DROPDOWN widget. When the notification widget is created the “create function” derives the currently focused widget (…

  • Hi Jörg, thank you for your response. I checked your code and can confirm that it is working. Meanwhile I dug deeper in my code and spent all the time up to now to find the reason for this behavior. Now I found a workaround that works in my case. I have to set the cursor to the right position in the MULTIEDIT widget (which is MULTIEDIT_SetCursorOffset(Item, MULTIEDIT_GetTextSize(Item) - 1)) before adding the new text with MULTIEDIT_AddText(Item, ErrBuf);. I don't know exactly why but i suppose t…

  • Hi, I am introducing the MULTIEDIT widget in my application (Keil emWin Lib). It is used to display device error strings. Since there can be several errors I want the multiedit widget to append every new error string at the end of the displayed text in a new line. I also want the SCROLLBAR widget to signalize when there are more errors that can be displayed on the screen. In order to check the error history I want to scroll up and down through the entries of the MULTIEDIT widget. Therefore I use…

  • Topmost window

    Thomas W. - - emWin related


    Hi Sven, thank you for your response. I did it the same way. But I thought there might be a single function call for this operation. regards Thomas