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  • I have tested today the v500i and is working with a good speed improvement, see attached images, just one minor issue: with v498e from jlink commander was possible to erase the flash with command erase: J-Link>erase Erasing device (R7S721001)... Info: J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 150.412s (Prepare: 3.187s, Compare: 0.000s, Erase: 144.718s, Program: 0 .000s, Verify: 0.000s, Restore: 2.505s) Erasing done. J-Link> now with the v500i the command does nothing: J-Link>erase Erasing devic…

  • Renesas e2Studio

    Toni - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hi, hi have replaced these files: C:\Renesas\e2_studio\DebugComp\ARM\Segger\JLinkARM.dll C:\Renesas\e2_studio\DebugComp\JLink_ARM\JLinkARM.dll C:\Renesas\e2_studio\DebugComp\JLink_ARM\(other files inside this dir) and the location of the used J-Link DLL is now showng correct value V498e please tds if you plan to use the V500x version of dll send me a feedback, i have problems with this version with e2studio, only the V498e work for me. Toni.

  • Hello Adrian, The first patch is related to text color of weekend days. In the attached image i have: CALENDAR_SetDefaultColor(CALENDAR_CI_WEEKEND, GUI_RED); CALENDAR_SetDefaultColor(CALENDAR_CI_WEEKDAY, GUI_GREEN); CALENDAR_Create(hDlg, x, y, Year, Month, Day, 2, GUI_ID_CALENDAR0, 0); Note that firstDayOfWeek is = 2, we are using this on Italian calendar. If the week start from Monday the colors are wrong, must be green form Mo to Fr, red Sa to Su…065381984559c882…

  • Hi, i found a bug on calendar widget about setting colors, if anyone is interested i attach a patch. The fix for FirstDayOfWeek work only for week starting from Saturday or from Monday. C Source Code (25 lines) Regards.

  • MULTIPAGE_SetBitmap

    Toni - - emWin related


    Hello Adrian, the gui version is: GUI_VERSION 52603 Regards.

  • MULTIPAGE_SetBitmap

    Toni - - emWin related


    Hello Adrian, the gui version is: GUI_VERSION 52603 Regards.

  • MULTIPAGE_SetBitmap

    Toni - - emWin related


    Hi, i am a brand new user and greeting all users, here is my first post: The MULTIPAGE_SetBitmap() has the flag MULTIPAGE_BI_SELECTED and MULTIPAGE_BI_UNSELECTED inverted? I thought that MULTIPAGE_BI_SELECTED was for "colored icon wanted in tab", and MULTIPAGE_BI_UNSELECTED for the "grayed icon", but the result is reversed. I misunderstood? Regards, Toni

  • MULTIPAGE_SetBitmap

    Toni - - emWin related


    Hi, i am a brand new user and greeting all users, here is my first post: The MULTIPAGE_SetBitmap() has the flag MULTIPAGE_BI_SELECTED and MULTIPAGE_BI_UNSELECTED inverted? I thought that MULTIPAGE_BI_SELECTED was for "colored icon wanted in tab", and MULTIPAGE_BI_UNSELECTED for the "grayed icon", but the result is reversed. I misunderstood? Regards, Toni