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  • Hi Jörg, thank you for the suggestion.

  • Hi folks, I would appreciate guidance on how best to approach a feature we need to implement. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of emWin but profess that I'm not really aware of what's going on under the covers and in particular how it is leveraging our LCD hardware. The "custom drawn screen portion" is a portion of the screen to which we are blasting a camera image. We have configured this to use a buffer in SDRAM for the LCD frame buffer and are using DMA to write from the camera to that. The L…

  • Hi Adrian, Thank you for looking into this. There will be no need to submit code as I have resolved it. While cleaning up all of the code I had tried as a work around, I found that if I call SCROLLBAR_SetValue() after calling SCROLLBAR_SetPageSize() the problem does not happen. It seems that the SCROLLBAR_SetPageSize() API has the side effect of changing the value. I'm not sure if that is intended but that seems to be the way it works. If you still want code that demonstrates the issue I can pro…

  • Hi folks, I'm using a scrollbar on a dialog box and I need to initialize it on initialization of the dialog. Code calls SCROLLBAR_SetValue() to do so. Before that call returns, emWin sends a WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED message to the scrollbar. In that message handler there is code that calls SCROLLBAR_GetValue() and gets a different value than what was just set set. I have tried working around this problem by resetting the value on the first entry to the WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED handler …


    hbarta - - emWin related


    You are welcome. I am only too happy to help. (Usually it is the other way around. )


    hbarta - - emWin related


    Hi Adian, The code file is generated using the GUI builder tool. Creation is via an entry in _aDialogCreate[] Source Code (2 lines) Initialization in _cbDialog() Source Code (1 line) (The SetAutoScroll calls are not necessary to provoke the problem but vertical scrolling us useful to visualize the situation.) There is no 'notification' processing for this widget. The widget is sized to hold four lines of text and the text is written using Source Code (1 line) where statusBuf is a char array and …


    hbarta - - emWin related


    Hi folks, I have a MULTIEDIT which I have set to use font GUI_FONT_8X16X2X2. It seems like the Window only displays half the text it is capable of showing. In other words, if I size the MULTIEDIT to display four lines of text, it only shows the first two. If I enable vertical scroll bar, I can scroll up and down and see all four lines scrolling through the first two lines of the display. (*) I am writing a single text string to the MULTIEDIT using MULTIEDIT_SetText() which contains three embedde…

  • MULTIEDIT_SetScrollbarWidth() ?

    hbarta - - emWin related


    Many thanks, Thorsten, that works fine. (Yes, there was something I had overlooked.)

  • MULTIEDIT_SetScrollbarWidth() ?

    hbarta - - emWin related


    This API seems to be AWOL. I need to expand the width of a scroll bar on a MULTIEDIT widget and cannot see any way to do so. Is there something I have overlooked? This is using STemWin 5.26. many thanks, hank

  • WM_MakeModal() and touch input

    hbarta - - emWin related


    Hi Adrian, Thank you for looking into that. Can you suggest anything I might investigate to resolve this? It seems odd that the single call (WM_MakeModal(dialogHandle)) would interfere with touch handling for the case of pen up events and I suspect some other configuration option may trigger this behavior. Thanks!

  • WM_MakeModal() and touch input

    hbarta - - emWin related


    And my code w/out 'code' (re)formatting: static WM_HWIN CreateFramewin(void); static WM_HWIN CreateFramewin(void) { WM_HWIN hWin; hWin = GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDialogCreate, GUI_COUNTOF(_aDialogCreate), _cbDialog, WM_HBKWIN, 0, 0); return hWin; } // USER START (Optionally insert additional public code) void CreateUserNameDialog(void) { dialogHandle = CreateFramewin(); // WM_MakeModal(dialogHandle); } // USER END

  • WM_MakeModal() and touch input

    hbarta - - emWin related


    Hi Adrain, The touch driver provides 'pen down' and 'pen up' events to the WM via: Source Code (1 line) and with TS_State.TouchDetected set appropriately. This works fine if the dialog is not modal but when I add the call to WM_MakeModal(dialogHandle); e.g.: Source Code (5 lines) WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED events are not then received. Without WM_MakeModal(dialogHandle); they are.

  • Thank you for the suggestion. I will try displaying the image using GUI_BMP_Draw() (as I believe that is what you mean.) In the mean time, here is the image I start with. Thanks! Edit: No joy yet with GUI_BMP_Draw() but I have something else to try WRT that. The manual also mentions drawing PNG files directly after they are converted using Bin2C.exe. I cannot find that tool in the (ST) distribution. Is it something I can download directly from Segger? Edit2: No positive results trying to draw w/…

  • Hi folks, I'm using Bitmap Converter (BmpCvtST.exe, v5.26, STemWin package) to convert images for display. Ordinarily when I save I select the "High color [565] compressed" output format and all is well. At the moment I am working with an image that has an Alpha channel and transparent portions. When I 'Save As' that option does not come up. The closest is "High color with Alpha [565]" but that doesn't work well. The image is a red X (255,0 0) and it appears black (but the transparency part work…

  • WM_MakeModal() and touch input

    hbarta - - emWin related


    Hi folks, I am using a dialog (Window rooted with various widgets rooted in a Framewin) as a popup and want the dialog to be modal. However when I do this, the widgets in the modal dialog do not receive WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED events. This is awkward as some of them cannot then be pressed twice since they remain 'pressed' until another widget is touched. I can work around this by not making the popup modal and instead disabling widgets in the parent dialog but this requires more code and logic …

  • Displaying degrees (°) symbol

    hbarta - - emWin related


    Never mind. Displayable characters start at 160. Not obvious from the image on p229. Obvious from Table 10.28 (p 218) It would be useful if the character set used for the various fonts was identified in a concrete way.

  • Displaying degrees (°) symbol

    hbarta - - emWin related


    Hi Adrian, Is there something else needed to display the extended ASCII characters (or are they not included in the ST version of the library?) I'm trying to display some with no luck. I've modified the STemWin "Hello World" example program (uses V5.26 library) as follows: Source Code (20 lines) (The first 2 lines use UTF-8 and are another subject.) The third line displays nothing and the fourth displays the expected text ("uvwxyz{|}~"); I'd like to use the extended characters as I beliueve that…

  • Thank you both for the replies. GUI_ExecCreatedDialog() is definitely not for this application which operates via main loop (no RTOS.) I think I smashed it. The procedure I'm using: 1. On entry to the main loop (and following all initialization) call GUI_CreateDialogBox() using arguments produced by the GUI builder. 2. Within the _cbDialog(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) procedure (and with the WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED message for the button that should switch screens) call GUI_EndDialog() with the handle re…

  • Hi folks, I'm trying to construct an app that will use several screens with buttons, text fields and so on. I've used the GUI Builder to construct skeletons for the screens and it includes a procedure that calls GUI_CreateDialogBox() to display the dialog. I've put this into the HelloWorld demo and added a call to GUI_Exec1() in my main loop. (No OS, just a polling loop.) With a little tweaking of the touch driver I get touch events for the windows (using GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx() to pass touch e…

  • Hi Adrian, Thank you for the quick reply and the confirmation that what I wish to do is possible. I will direct further inquires to the ST forum. best, hank